Hard to watch this offense in the Red Zone. Two straight off tackle dive plays followed by a back shoulder fade route. It’s all too predictable.
It actually looks a lot like our non-red zone offense earlier this year. The play calling got better between the 20s in the middle of the year, but the red zone offense has remained garbage.

Awful. This is worse than a basketball game at Kohl Center.

defense is going to give up woith this officiating crew////why should they try??? nice clean play ends up with a penalty!

get ready for some rutm because we won't have the stones to keep trying to move it
No they tend to save this for once they get inside the other teams 30. Run Run Pass... FG try

Will not work today, and hasn't in the past. The OC just has not learned any lessons from previous games.

I don't often get pissed at referee but that was absolute BS. This crew is AWFUL. That was n next level garbage on a 3rd and long.
I'm with you on this. Only going to get worse in the future unfortunately with fewer and fewer people getting involved.

The ref was clutching his flag tight there. He wanted to so bad.

Thought we were going to get another phantom roughing the passer.

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