And again, the world is not black and white. It is possible to be thrilled the Gophers won today - and to still be upset about the performance against Illinois. When a team's performance changes that abruptly from week to week, it's fair to ask why.
Could Robb Smith have been that big of a detriment to the defense? And if he was, then it's fair to question why the change was not made sooner. This may not be fair - but imagine the entire season being re-played with the Gopher defense we saw today. I think a lot of people would feel differently about the season in general and Fleck in particular. So, Fleck deserves credit for making the change. But it's still fair to question why Smith was hired in the 1st place, and why Fleck kept Smith around as long as he did.
Of course - I will admit that hindsight is always 20/20. It's easy to look at the way the Gophers played today, and conclude that they should have dumped Smith sooner.