Like that mistake by Purdue. Now D has to capitalize.

This is why I laugh at the NFL Morgan talk... He'll go down as one of the best Gopher's QB ever but nothing more than a game manager.

Lot of people don't get the rule defense can touch and fumble on punt if offense touches first

Hmmmmm, maybe it’s time for a quick QB change to wake this team up. That throw by Tanner was terrible.

Somebody has to get the O line going. Wake them up. Quinn Carroll getting abused out there. RB’s need to step up as well.

Sadly, I wouldn't mind seeing Athan in there but truth is, we are close enough that I wouldn't risk it. I wouldn't want to throw Athan in with this much pressure on him.

You are not going to replace your 6th year senior but why keep running Carroll out there he is getting absolutely abused in the run and pass game.

Did everyone get food poisoning before the game?

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