Official: Predict the Score versus UNLV Contest is open. FREE GOPHER T-SHIRT!!

Let's get those predictions in, Gopher Fans.

Go Gophers!!!

Gophs: 35

Rebs: 16


You are a total Doosh-Nugget. Take your @ss back to the bison board


Gophers 27 - UNLV 28

And no, I'm not acting like a petulant child because he picked UNLV to win the opener:

Eagan: New Hampshire 27, Minnesota 24
Eagan: Western Michigan 31, Minnesota 24
Eagan: Syracuse 31, Minnesota 24

In this tool-bag's posting history, he has never picked the Gophers to win a single game; football or basketball. Almost every post is about some Dakota school.

I really can't believe that according to your answers on the Demographics poll from earlier this year that you are 53 years of age. Unbelievable.


Gophers 42 UNLV 10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

walleyeking, this one time I will accept your prediction even if you put it in the wrong thread. At 5 p,m on the 23rd. After lengthy discussion while looking in the mirror, it was passed on a vote of 1 - 0.

Interesting prediction. I guess it proves the old adage that distance makes the heart grow fonder.:)

No, distance results in gastric problems. Distance makes the fart go Honda.

Remember, Gopher Fans, the first person who predicts the exact winning score wins a Gopher t-shirt compliments of GopherHole.

Since there's already been 8 pages, I probably have to throw out some crazy score to win.

Gophers 38

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