Game was just Canceled in Dallas. I was hoping we would end up there or Nashville. Glad we aren’t there now.

They're not even going to try to play it tomorrow? Just put it on ESPN News or something.

They're not even going to try to play it tomorrow? Just put it on ESPN News or something.

I'm guessing it may be difficult to change everything for a day later?

After looking at the radar, I am not surprised they cancelled it. It will be a long time before lightning leaves the area. It's the same system that's fueling our about to be blizzard in central MN and the eastern Dakotas.

They're not even going to try to play it tomorrow? Just put it on ESPN News or something.

Exactly or heaven forbid a talk show gets moved there or just don't air for the day. Even ESPN U would be good since they look like their just airing re-runs of games.

Piggy backing off the Williams/Oregon thread, noticed on twitter the Gopher players have Roshe Ones, while GT players have Ultra Boosts? Come on man! At least get these guys in some AM or Reacts!

His tweet didn’t specify that, but I would assume it means they are healthy scratches ...?

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GREAT! Tech Nation is having a debate about having the blue added as main team color. Historically white and gold. No anthracite yet but probably on the horizon...

Next question...what is Coach wearing for this one? We'll see that soon enough.

For the record Mrs. Billd is very much against the lighter mauve-like color that has popped up this year. Very un-maroon.
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So these are the 2 disciplinary inactive or are there more?

Doogie is saying he only knows of 2 scratches and an additional player that may miss a series or two. No more.

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OJ Smith out. Injury there.

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Doogie is saying he only knows of 2 scratches and an additional player that may miss a series or two. No more.

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Found that. Love how someone asked if there were more and Doogie immediately went on the defense.

Thank, God, our long nat ... er ... GH nightmare is almost over. Those 100 or so players whose lives have been ruined because the whole nation was fixated on the Gopher suspensions and all players were suspected of some awful transgression have had their reputations restored. And the great crusader at work will no longer have to keep discussing the Gopher scandal with his co-workers, because, as we all know, that's all the average Minnesotan has been able to think about ever since the news broke.

Such a disappointment to some. First, salivating that PJ's new culture might have taken a major hit and now most everyone acting like, "What scandal and what mishandling?"

I'm at work and it sucks. Thank you for all upcoming games updates!

What no flag??????????? Will take the three but we should still be driving.

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