That was a generous spot. He landed at least a yard behind the line to gain.

exactly what I said earlier. Just nobody get hurt. Now we got Martin down. argh

Northwestern now burning clock.

Their offense averages 8 points a game against power 5 teams, they are down to their 3rd string QB....I would try to get to half time as well if I were in their shoes.

Need him to be okay. Would be nice to expand this lead so the starters can rest and stay healthy.

A little harsh...don'tcha' think???
You are probably right. I think all the kickoffs out of bounds, poor fg and punting and never getting anything in return games is wearing on my psyche

They've got some life, but Pat still looks like he wants this to be over.

looks like our field flipping special teams punt return mistake is a game changer of the worst kind.

This could be the third game in D1 CFB to end with a score of 2 this year. Southern Miss beat UAB 37-2 and Temple beat Georgia Tech 24-2. Otherwise it hadn't happened since 2015 and before that 2011.

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