Good thing it was a long time consuming drive.


Defense is causing Morgan to stay on the field.

Marty could get 100 rushing yards against this defense.

Marty is a classic Northwestern backup quarterback.

Hate to think how this game would be going if Morgan was on the bench. D looks sluggish.

Need a long milking drive here and score. Not feeling as comfortable as I was earlier in the 2nd quarter. Northwestern is a good team and they would like nothing more than to beat a ranked team today.

Defensive effort after first quarter is a little disconcerting.

Is it time too soon to start building up that jNW is actually a really good team.

I'm not a fan in the least of this putrid defense. All they are doing is running the ball and doing short sideline passes, about as simple as it gets. How hard is this to scheme against?

Given how poorly this D played against PSU, in the first half against Iowa, and against NW today, this bodes extremely poorly for our chances at a division title. Wisconsin will run all over this kind of wussie D. Get tougher!

We need another touchdown to have breathing room again. I liked the first quarter way better.
What’s the Marty story? Way better QB...why hasn’t he been playing or has he?

Northwestern is a good team and they would like nothing more than to beat a ranked team today.

I disagree with the first part of this sentence and like any team, agree with the second part of it.

We got up big against Purdue and decided to stop tackling.

Same story today.

Rushing QBs pose a problem and we have enough issues containing statue QBs. Credit to Marty on that drive. We keep giving them life...

Yikes. Hard to fault DD on that one. That was one heck of a tomahawk chop.

He ran through a CC45 tackle. ?

"Tackle". Part of the problem is that the Gophers seem to have entirely forgotten how to fundamentally tackle today. They are going for ball strips and big hits, when all they need to do is [bleeping] tackle to win this game.

Douglas needs to spend the rest of the game on the bench.

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