Wheels down in St Louis. A few 9 AM layover beers, a quick flight, and an hour drive from the Nebraska tailgate lots.

So pumped.

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I have two extra tickets in Section 15, Row 2 available. $80 each. Would like to see them go to Gophers fans.

Email [email protected] if interested.

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How many targeting calls today for the Gophers? I put the O/U at 2.5

Armstrong has been given the okay to play.

Miracle run needs to start today if they want another shot at the div in Madison... BTN guys said that's pretty cool no matter whom you are

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It seems as though even though Armstrong has been given the OK, not guaranteed he will. Just trying to read how Riley said it.

Looks like Nebraska people online are saying that Armstrong will be starting... let's get to him early

At the game and oh my is this stadium massive.

And you'll get to know your neighbors very well. They squeeze 'em in like sardines.

Make sure you go to the bathroom before the crowd fills in...then don't drink anything. Last time I went, took me about 20 freaking minutes to get through my row, down what seemed like a million rows to the concourse, through the bathroom, and back up.

Please come out swinging. I'd love nothing more than to hang 7 early and quiet this crowd.

Well at least they aren't overplaying the Armstrong situation...:cool:

Virtual Reality RULES! This is the future of watching sports...wow.

Woli will have 20 catches today.

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Was it just me or did RS88 slow when he got past the DB?

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