I’m sitting outside enjoying a warm 66 day and starting to shake my head cold.
I’m Golden

We need a transfer qb big time. The North Dakota guy did well against Nebraska.

Its funny to think that at one point some people thought Morgan could play in the NFL. Nice guy, but not a very good football player.
Funny how much better a couple of all big ten receivers can make a QB look

Interesting to see the contrast between the opinions of coaches and broadcasters and some posters here.

The contrast is that the coaches and the fans see the games. The broadcasters looks at stats and box score.

Puke, puke, we need NEW offensive and defensive line coaches. We couldn’t block EP let alone a big ten team. Our defensive line has to be least athletic line in college football. The Tommies have better down line than the Gophers. Sad

Nebraska 3 punts averaging 53 yards. Minnesota 4 punts averaging 38 yards. That is an issue for a special teams coordinator that’s been there since 2017 and from what I can tell has never had his job come under fire. That even though Minnesota specials teams has been terrible since he got there.

Pj will milk the clock to shorten the game in the sexy half

I don’t disagree but at the same time it’s also easier for fans to say this. A coach has to manage a team so if they think Morgan gives them the best chance to win, then they’re probably going to play him. It isn’t always a great thing to start playing for next year if you’re not in a full rebuild.
After watching Tanner and you think he gives this team the best chance to win, you need new glasses.

Yes, but if the QB isn't a threat to run, it's just a long, slow developing handoff giving the defense a chance to load up on Mo.
Then the ball should be pulled and passed. That's how it works.

Gophers have ten yards with 6 minutes left in the half. Hard to top that for ineptitude. Since Nebraska knew exactly what we would do, why not surprise them with something different and not have a half like this?
Wait’ll the second half. We’ll cream them!!

On many early downs they’re playing a safety over the slot about 10 yards away while the CB plays press against the outside WR on that same side. Tanner could literally just throw it immediately to the slot and it should be a minimum 3-4 yards.

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