If we don't score on this drive I'm ready to call it.

Why don't you send a complaint letter to the Big Ten about it?

We're not in this position because of that call or no call. We're in this position because we're being dominated on both sides of the field.
Why don't you calm down Captain Obvious ......

At least there is a good "Mayhem" commercial.

Be aggressive and good things happen!

Gotta do more of that. We need some big plays to get back in this game. If Wright is getting single coverage on the edge throw it there.

now the refs call a bad Pi against Illinois. I’ll take the makeup call i guess.

I love the Gophs with all my heart. Just feels like P.J. Only gets high character glorified MAC players. This game we can see legit talent gap. Illinois looks like real BIG players. Our 2019 team was able to compete because of our NFL talent. We need WR’s and pass rushers and a real BIG QB. Tanner a great dude but he literally is a MAC player. Just looks so damn hard for us to score and even tho we get stops the stops look so damn hard
You are wise Obi-Wan

Wright completely misjudges the pass and turns it into a PI. Lol
Morgan is getting a lot of criticism and probably rightfully so but the receivers are poor as well. And then there’s another drop.

That was a drop and a great play by the DB

Well for everyone that wanted the back up here he comes. After the play that would be 15 yard penalty and possibly ejection but during the play it’s nothing? Not even a review for targeting.

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