oof. that's some classic pre-Fleck Gopher D.

I wish the linebackers opted out before they got on the field.

Oh $h!t, I didn't like that Wolverine run and TD.

not going to keep the game close if we give up 80 yd runs every other play.

Well let's hope that our offense is ready to put up a big number.

Michigan looked confused on defense... so Fleck calls a timeout. lol

Jesus get it together guys. Not set up on defense and then we need a timeout on the next offensive play. Sloppy, sloppy, sloppy.

And after that ugly defensive play they can't get the offense ready for the first play of the drive. Not good.

There should have been a timeout. The defense was clearly confused. There's no way that there should have been absolutely nobody at the second level there.

That was on the refs. Mich defense didn’t come into the field until under ten seconds left on the play clock. Should have reset it

The Gopher Gameday Live stream invites Peter Mortell for an interview, pronounces his name wrong, and doesn't even mention his HOTY win.

Wow. Something goes bad, everyone is making a mockery of Fleck. Something goes good everyone jumping for joy. We'll get it back.

Might have better luck with 4 more receivers than whatever kind of offensive line that was.

How are our back-up kickers/punters this bad?

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