Dakich is obsessed with Wagner. Who the fuck is Wagner going to defend in the NBA? He has been blown past by Gabe and Gach so far today.

Its funny when Michigan has an awful shot or possession he hardly has anything critical to say.

I like our intensity (most possessions) on D today

Solid start. Dumb foul by Robbins on the fast break thing. Just let him go. We need you and giving up 2 points doesn’t kill us there.

How does Dakich have a job? He is awful. Constant hot takes. Never provided anything of substance.
Add endlessly annoying and beats the dead horse. How many times will he criticize Carr today ? Gopher fans are aware of his tendencies and negatives. The flip side is he a big part of our success.

Hot take. Dakich talks too much and his voice is grating. BUT he did his homework on our team, IMO. He’s nailed it on Carr so far. He knows Mashburn’s game is the mid range shot. He knows we need to pass more. I think his points have actually been on the money.

I still can’t stand him though.

MN 43.8% FG = not too bad
MN 0-5 3 pt= not good

Williams needs to hit the rim or swish

I think Dakich has been suckin back on grampas old cough medicince.
Our D is great, but some of our offensive shot selections...

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