They are expecting 12-14mph winds during the game. Some stadium designs amplify the effects of wind (ie swirling winds); I'm not sure if this is the case of The Bank. I guess i don't know if that is a high enough wind to have a big affect on the passing game or not - I would think it is.

Looking at Miami's one game against Mizzou (not much of a statistical base), their passing game was more effective than their running game. I'm not sure I'd call our running offense better or worse than our passing offense, but I definitely think our run defense is better than our pass defense. I think the wind will be our ally in this game.

I'm going to go ahead and predict a defensive game with a combined point total of under 28.

On a hunch, I'm going to say that the defense really steps up to the plate this weekend and we win by a score of 16-7. (The last time we held an opponent to 7 or fewer points was 2008 - when we did it against IU, Purdue and Florida Atlantic).

Does anyone know where I can stream the game. I live in South Florida.

Glen - 3rd and 1 in the red zone is a "waste down????" 2nd and 1 might be a waste down, not 3rd.


The website worked great, well played. What do you guys think so far?

Vereen sure gets picked on by opposing teams and commontators, but from I can tell he is more than serviceable. I still dont know whats up with m carter

Sure would be nice if the WRs would lineup on the LOS like they are supposed to. 5 men in the backfield is unnaceptable. 5 men in the backfield a second time is absurd.

For all the shortell enthusiasts, can shortell ever bring a 50 yrd run like that to the table? nope, until shortell is clearly the better product, lets put this debate to the side

That was absolutely EXCELLENT blocking on the TD run!! IMHO best executing I've seen this year.

A LEAD :D, followed by a SACK?! Beautiful!:clap:

For all the shortell enthusiasts, can shortell ever bring a 50 yrd run like that to the table? nope, until shortell is clearly the better product, lets put this debate to the side

+1000!!!!! Thank you and holy heavens if Gray could just go like 30-35 for 390 and 4 TDS and 0 INT's with 25 carries for 210 yards so people would quit calling for the backup quarterback I would be exstatic!

I really like how hard Kirkwood is running...looks like a little bowling ball out there

Take the points. We still could lose this game but a much different team today...so far. :)

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