I guess these don't realize how slow MSM55 is cuz he basically fell down per usual. Good time for the next man up to get some reps.

This is the least inspiring team. We're getting slowly steam rolled by a bad team who's also a rival. And it's not even remotely upsetting.

How is that not targeting on the Iowa back?

Hope inside LBs are real high on PJ's recruiting wish list. We leave gaping holes on every running play. Are we that small or slow? Seems like we're getting pushed back 5 yards every play.

Refs gave us an early whistle on that one.

this team is just not fun to watch. Conservative offense doesn’t pair well with a crappy defense. Might change the channel to avoid the misery on a Friday night

Our linebackers look like stickmen just getting tossed around and stumbling over each other

A QB Sneak! That will help our defenses yards per play.

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