OK hope we learned that our D has no chance just like Maryland and Michigan. NO MORE PUNTS!!!

That was way too easy for Iowa.
They stopped themselves with a dropped pass on the first drive and we put up zero resistance on the second drive.

Pathetic on D once again. Not sure why I'm surprised, but I sorta hoped the improvement and personnel changes from last week would carry over. Um, not so much.

Easy fix

1) Teach these B1G P5 D1 football players to tackle.
2) Take the playbook away from Sanford (and maybe ask him to stop coaching TM2?)

Iowa’s line is doing a great imitation of Michigan’s week 1 play

They're gonna throw it to the flat and get 8-10 yards every play all night until we do something to stop it.

So far this year we have shown to be a terrible tackling team, way too many arm tackles that talented runners break right through.

Wow! Iowa's play calling is keeping the Gophers on their heels with help of poor D. Iowa executes and the Gophers cant keep up.

We are going to have to open up the playbook on O. TOP for us will be critical with our D.

Tackling versus path to the ball

Don’t take away the fact that there were some athletic plays in space and on the outside from the Iowa skill players

But these plays were set up from not filling gaps and/or taking a piss poor approach on the quick throw

A start that's beyond frustrating. Thank goodness for that stop on Iowa's first drive. Could keep it from getting outta hand early.

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