What’s everyone drinking for the game?
Currently up for me: Indeed Flavorwave IPA.

if those are going for Cockburn, this is going to be a long day

Robbins wants so badly to make an impact, and it kills our offense.

Nice Johnson, miss the bunny and then the free throws!

No better way to start what should be a close game than to miss two free throws.

Carr you probably need to stay on the one guy who absolutely kills it from 3 for Illinois

This is a must-win. Got to find a way to take this game to keep tournament hope healthy/

Why is Liam guarding a guard 25 ft from basket after Cochburn rolls on the high screen? Keep him in the lane where he needs to be.

Time for Carr to sit?
I donno man, the rest of the team was stationary that second possession. He pulled back twice looking to pass but feet were glued to the floor.

but two bad possessions for sure.

With Liam's lack of mobility we need more Freeman time.

He's weak as well. Can't hold his inside position when blocking out. I get he has an ankle injury but that doesn't excuse him for playing stupid and turning the ball over like he has.

Probably not, and I don’t think they deserve to. It’s kind of a joke if they do.
Counter point: they have three wins against teams either currently or formerly in the top 5 this season. Win today and it’s 4. I’m not sure any other team in the country could say the same.

would be much more interested to see our home/road splits in the B10, given there is undoubtedly massive skew with the NC schedule

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