
Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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It's hard to imagine a path to victory based on the way we played last week, but every week is a new week. Why not us?! Let's get the JUG!!! Let's get after it.

Good. We need crappy weather. A 50 mph wind and a sloppy wet field would help us a lot.

If its overly windy how do we move the ball? Last week the little offense we produced was through the air? If its windy would we be able to kick a field goal?

Can we hit field goals anyway? I mean maybe windy would be preferable. Hawthorne is 5/6 on field goals with 3 missed extra point attempts this year. Doesn't seem like kicking is our strength anyhow.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Kirk Herbstreit and Desmond Howard making light of the Little Brown Jug "rivalry" on <a href="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23CGD&src=hash">#CGD</a>. Hope <a href="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23Gophers&src=hash">#Gophers</a> can make it meaningful again.</p>— GopherHole.com (@GopherHole) <a href="https://twitter.com/GopherHole/statuses/386485238530342912">October 5, 2013</a></blockquote>
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Go Gophers!!

Can we hit field goals anyway? I mean maybe windy would be preferable. Hawthorne is 5/6 on field goals with 3 missed extra point attempts this year. Doesn't seem like kicking is our strength anyhow.

I honestly don't think Hawthorne and the kicking game is the problem. His stats are about average to better than average. Too many other obvious areas to improve. If we ever get into a situation where we have a chance to win or tie with a late field goal, I think our chances are as good as anyone's. I'm hoping for decent weather and a chance to see some improvement in the offense. We all want the Gophers to win, don't we?

I'm more concerned over whether the team can stay composed or not. Coming out against a hyped up Wolverine team in a hostile environment coming off of a week where you might not be as good as you thought you were could play a factor in how the team plays in the 1st Quarter. Come out flat & either let Michigan score quick or we give up a quick 3 & Out and this team might just be mentally defeated before the start of the 2nd. I think last year was good... we took a 7-0 lead in the 2nd & looked competitive & it seemed that 1 Gardner TD play turned everything around...

I'm more concerned over whether the team can stay composed or not. Coming out against a hyped up Wolverine team in a hostile environment coming off of a week where you might not be as good as you thought you were could play a factor in how the team plays in the 1st Quarter. Come out flat & either let Michigan score quick or we give up a quick 3 & Out and this team might just be mentally defeated before the start of the 2nd. I think last year was good... we took a 7-0 lead in the 2nd & looked competitive & it seemed that 1 Gardner TD play turned everything around...

That scramble for 10 seconds just to hit Dileo was deflating. We had such good field position in that game last year but only managed 13 points.

Cant wait for the days when were never a 20 point underdog.

What are the odds we'll hear these words today: "Minnesota's offense is giving Michigan's defense something they haven't seen before"?

What are the odds we'll hear these words today: "Minnesota's offense is giving Michigan's defense something they haven't seen before"?


I think Michigan has seen a team run futilely into the teeth of their defense before.

That scramble for 10 seconds just to hit Dileo was deflating. We had such good field position in that game last year but only managed 13 points.

Yeah you could tell that play completely changed the momentum and we never got it back...

Other than last year's bowl game, nothing we have seen from the coaches indicates they will make any significant changes to the offensive scheme and play calling. A decent passing game is the great equalizer and even more important if you don't have dominant talent up front. Even Wisconsin and Ohio St would struggle without a decent passing game.

Happy to be a gopher fan whether we win or lose, let's go gophers! It is fun to be a member of this board and read of everybody's different opinions. As for Michigan, let's bring that jug back to Minny!!!

Kill had another seizure and won't be coaching today.

I feel bad for Coach Kill seems to be a terrific guy but we also need a coach that can lead his team onto the field.

Well there goes another week of debate whether he's fit to coach. I'm tired of that conversation and want it to be over one way or the other.

I feel bad for Coach Kill seems to be a terrific guy but we also need a coach that can lead his team onto the field.

No, we need a coach that can win. A lot of people are working from home these days, mainly due to the internet. These people are judged by their bosses based on their performance. Therefore, there's no reason not to judge Coach Kill based on wins and losses, regardless of where he coaches from.

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