Well thats a stupid fucking decision and a worse play call.

Did a tight end get caught up on the line? Looked like AK wanted to throw.

If you’re gonna run him do it out of shotgun. That was such a slow play.

Stupid. We were running straight through them.

Stupid keep by AK. The O line and Tyler would have easily had the first down.

Lol very intelligent coaches. Sure let’s give them some momentum and keep them around with a trick play. Zone read sure. Bootleg sure. Naked boot to the backside where he can’t see upfield until he comes out of the break, wtf

Wow... with an offensive line that is dominating the line of scrimmage, they try something cute like that. Afraid to just punch them in the mouth?

Why not take the points? I mean if you're going to go for it on 4th and short, which I wouldn't this early, then trust your line and QB sneak or biggest RB.

Well, the D needs to get a Safety.

Of course, we run the ball down their throat and when we need to get one yard we go with a QB keeper and fail. Hey Fleck K.I.S.S keep it simple stupid.

Can we do that again but not stall out on the 2?

Luckily EMUs qb cannot but the broad side of a barn, but we need to score a couple times and get some cushion. This is not a meal to play with Gophs

Another great play call in the red zone. So far this guy has been pretty bad in the red zone. Hope that changes.

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