Number of Interviews?


Oct 25, 2009
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I've seen predictions on this board that Maturi will interview up to ten candidates and at least one prediction that he will not interview at all. My own guess is that if a Tubby type of hire is available, there will be just that one interview - and it won't be much of an interview. On the other hand, if Maturi has to move down to a second tier candidate, I would think we would interview 2-3 guys to see who stands out the most. What's the most likely scenario?

My personal preference would be to have interviews in the range of 4-6. I think it is more difficult to hire a top notch football coach than basketball. I think the football position is generally more demanding and recruiting is tougher due to the fact that there are more roster spots to fill and individual players have less of an impact in FB than in BB. I think based on the stated type of candidate they are after burnout/fatigue is a much bigger factor then when making the BB hire. If you are getting a coach who is coming here from a program that is currently (last 4-8 years) relevant, you better know exactly why he is coming and just how motivated he is build a program ( where will he be satisfied with success).

In basketball you can have an ok regular season get hot at the end of the year, and make the NCAA tournament and it is considered a success. Look at the Gophers BB last year, disappointing regular season, made real noise the BigTen Tourney, one and done in the NCAA tourney. That season was generally remembered as a good season due to the way they overcame off field issues and the run they went on in the Big Ten Tourney but it was basically the football equivalent to a bottom half finish in the league and a loss in a lower tier bowl game.

Hopefully Maturi will hire a coach who is still driven to win at a high level.

I'm suprised that Maturi hasn't acted more swiftly on his last interview!

I think you got the wrong guy interviewing who. The coaches are more apt to be interviewing Minnesota than the other way around. Is there any other explanation for ending up with a career TE coach last time?

I can't imagine there would be 10 interviews.

First off, I don't know if there will be 10 qualified candidates with enough interest to interview. Note the term "qualified." I'm sure there are dozens of FCS and FBS coaches and coordinators who would leap at the opportunity, but they are simply not ready. For ever Mike Leach there is 10 Tim Brewsters

Second, The interview process is long and draining. I Don't know if there is a real date which Maturi would like to name his guy, but if he wants to save some face recruiting and beat other jobs to the punch, it will have to be sooner than later. I can't imagine a hire like this will require only one interview so the leaders will have to come back and interview again.

Third, I think anymore than six interviews would be overkill. I understand that you have to cover everyone in order to make the best decision, but if Maturi, the search firm, Mona, Bruininks, Dungy and whoever else does the right research they will have a much more targeted search rather than throwing out a net over 10 or more candidates and risk catching a Brewster.

I hate to compare this to the search for a new president but it does have some similarities. There are four semifinalists for the job if I understand the process correctly. I'd guess there would be 4 or 5 individuals who will interview for the coaching job also.

It should be the top eight guys. Maturi will put together a bracket and then interview them two at a time. The interviews will be debate and short answer format. A winner will be objectively awarded. Everything is fair game, including things from pop quizzes on offensive scheme to bidding on lowest acceptable salary.

Three rounds. Three Days. November Madness.

I think kinda like you started to'll be fluid. If that "Tubby like guy" says yes it should be over. If those couple targeted guys say move to interview one to five people depending on how excited you are by the candidates. But, I think once you start offering people the position it's gotta conclude swiftly or it's a disaster. Somehow the guy who who gets the job needs to feel he was "THE #1 choice".

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