Not a "twitter" but a a blast from the past wants to know...

No the Big Ten is soft t-docious because it has struggled to recruit against the SEC namely. The non-conference schedule becomes less important with another Big Ten game on the schedule because you cant get beat up before the conference season even begins. I like the expanded schedule for football but with every game counting you need tune ups so you are ready to play. In the past most teams wanted at least one good test before the conference season began. I am not sure that is going to be an option in the future. That or teams are going to push for games against the bottom 1 or 2 in each major conference.

i completely disagree. Remember when gray got hurt against UNH or whoever that was. Football is a game where you are going to get beat up no matter what, that should not deter you from playing the game. Im not saying completely dissolve the cream puffs bcause everybody does it but you need to play at least somebody out of conference in order to bring some credibility. Bama opened up against Virginia Tech, LSU vs. TCU. Kids want to play the best. Wins against non cream puffs immediately thrust you into the national spotlight. Strength of Schedule MATTERS to voters and to the BCS and to bowl selection committees.. We cant shy away and crawl into our little gopher hole and expect us to somehow get recognition or ranked/good bowl if we beat the little sisters of the poor all the time. The BEST want to play the BEST. And I dont know about you, but I want to be the best damn college football program there is. So we are going to have to start acting like it eventually.

I am thinking 1-2 cream puffs, 1 bottom half AQ team and one solid perennial team. That would give us some strength to our schedule with plenty of tune ups before the conference season.

Recruiting is a whole nother can of worms

"Lol, wren started this thread"

I know. My point was he was banned before and "snuck" back in with his "I am the Walrus" tag. He needs to get tossed.

It is an interesting what if scenario had they not bought out UNC. We'll never know what could have been.

Could have won or lost and went into the IA game with more confidence and beaten them, then rolled that into MI...

Could have won or lost and still laid an egg against IA, still got blown out in MI, and maybe even if they lost never recovered to beat NW...

We'll never know. But I guess I've always been of the school that says if there were three games, I'd like to see one creampuff, one mediocre team they should beat, and one team that should be a really good game. I guess with four games just add another creampuff.

I am now much less bitter about UNC. Last year I was very bitter because the excuss was to build confidence, yet last year they came off 4-0 OOC and got hammered by IA. At the time it just seemed ridiculous. And maybe it was. Maybe it wouldn't have mattered, maybe they'd be undefeated. We'll never know, so I decided to let it go and keep supporting the program and hope for the best.

But as far as ranking and BCS and whatnot, until the Gophers are in a position to be risking an at large BCS (or whatever) bid it's pretty irrelevant. Yes, it matters a little to Bowl committees, but not nearly as much as number of hotel rooms...

You THINK????? You THINK? The thing is, had that team been an iowa-like team OR a Michigan-esque team we would have LOST to that team, the first time we ran up against a tougher foe, IF...if, if,if your assumption is based upon anything other than what you "think." So, basically we'd be still sitting with a loss or two. And then there would still be NO guarantee playing a border battle trophy game against iowa or a trophy game at the Big House in Ann Arbor. How many times in the past fifty years or so...or EVER have we won in Ann Arbor?

Who knows, at THAT point in the season, had the ooc schedule been more difficult, the Gophers could be sitting at four and four or five and three right now. Let the big dogs of the conference worry about bcs "bs. My Golden Gophers need WINS in the ooc to add to their Conference wins to max out their bowl prospects...

this program needs to WIN it's way better for four or five or maybe ten years before we have to worry about carrying the water for Michigan, Nebraska, the Ohio State, MSU, wisky and even iowa. We are making progress. We need to make a LOT more progress in the near term future.

That's right Wren... That's what I think! Just like you "think" the opposite would be true! guess I'm just a natural optimist compared to your pessimistic outlook! You just can't stand it that Kill is about to exceed your "man love crush Mason boy's record... Mason all along only intended to use the U as a stepping stone and everyone knew it! That's what I have against him! Kill has far more integrity than that. He may end up moving on to a bigger job, but it won't be because he prostituted himself for the job like Mason did!

That's right Wren... That's what I think! Just like you "think" the opposite would be true! guess I'm just a natural optimist compared to your pessimistic outlook! You just can't stand it that Kill is about to exceed your "man love crush Mason boy's record... Mason all along only intended to use the U as a stepping stone and everyone knew it! That's what I have against him! Kill has far more integrity than that. He may end up moving on to a bigger job, but it won't be because he prostituted himself for the job like Mason did!

I think you totally discount and sweep under the rug all the infighting and back stabbing which took place in the University of Minnesota Department of Intercollegiate Athletics what with Chris Voelz and her constant category 5 hurricanes which only served to put the entire department in a tail spin. If I were Glen Mason, I would have been listening to MSU and OSU also, especially in view of the fact that Mark Dienhart was fired (he hired Glen), Tom Moe was pushed out the door, and Ziggy Wilf's favorite U of M Athletic Director, Joel Maturi took over (and fired Glen). The department was in constant turmoil, constant infighting, and I suspect everybody was blaming everybody else for any and all problems. Who the hell would not have wanted to get the hell out of this revolving door, other than a die hard M man. Tom Moe is an M man, and he could not take all the bull$hit Chris Voelz was kicking up. Trust me, imthewalrus fully supports Jerry Kill and his staff. This does not make it OK that Glen was fired at the behest of organized crime through orchestration of the "Fire Mason!" chants and whatever other backroom deals were concluded with and between Robert Bruininks, Tonya Moten Brown, and Joel Maturi. The "concrete club" wanted the new TCF Bank Stadium. They could not get the contract and the money until Glen sold it to the Minnesota Legislature. Once sold to the legislature, Glen had to be promptly removed. Organized crime / NFL / Vikings were not going to allow a competent Gopher football coach the opportunity to use the new TCF Bank Stadium as a recruiting tool. They already saw what Glen was capable of on 6 November 1999, 14 October 2000, and 8 October 2005, all road wins, so Glen had to go. He represented a serious threat to their Twin Cities sports revenue stream, which they had been carefully cultivating since the early 1960s.

No offense to you 1999, and I may agree with some of what you say, (I don't believe the big conspiracy theory you are presenting) but I simply answered Wrens' question about the OOC schedule and got a rant in response... I obviously am not allowed to have an opinion different than his.... He's nuts....

Finally something you say makes real sense in real life. In fact, wren, I don't even mulch my leaves, I let MN work on them the way they are under the snow. That way, I save even more precious beer drinking time, and I have never killed a lawn doing it that way.

Dr. Don - Come on and tell the truth! You just let that the wind coming out of North Dakota blow your leaves all the way to the Twin Cities where I end up mulching them ala wren.:cry:

"Organized crime". IALTO. So that means the "organized crime" "racket" is going to push Jerry Kill out because he's having success?

I didn't realize that they allowed internet access at the insane asylum.

dpodoll68, is Judge Deanne Wilson insane?

"Organized crime". IALTO. So that means the "organized crime" "racket" is going to push Jerry Kill out because he's having success?

I didn't realize that they allowed internet access at the insane asylum.

dpodoll68, I am sorry I offended you. I forgot that (a) organized crime does not exist in Minnesota, and (b) only people who are insane believe in organized crime. So what do you think of your good friend Ziggy and did he or did he not run afoul of the State of New Jersey's Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) law? So, is Judge Deanne Wilson insane? Let us know please. Thank you.

dpodoll68, I am sorry I offended you. I forgot that (a) organized crime does not exist in Minnesota, and (b) only people who are insane believe in organized crime. So what do you think of your good friend Ziggy and did he or did he not run afoul of the State of New Jersey's Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) law? So, is Judge Deanne Wilson insane? Let us know please. Thank you.

Organized crime certainly exists, but that doesn't give any credibility to the idea that firing Mason was some conspiracy of organized crime and/or the Vikings.

Awhile back in a different thread, wren tied into me about all of the references I make about beer, for several paragraphs. I laughed, had fun reading his tirade to and about me, and never even responded to him.

What you people need to realize, wren is all right in his place. He just doesn't know where his place is.

Organized crime certainly exists, but that doesn't give any credibility to the idea that firing Mason was some conspiracy of organized crime and/or the Vikings.

RodentRampage, so you don't think that Zygi and Mark, coowners of the NFL Vikings, are involved in organized crime? Is this judgment just a coincidence? Is the aforementioned judgment a conspiracy against a law abiding Wilf family? If so, who do you think is trying to frame the Wilf family? How would you explain all this? Please clarify. Thank you.

Back to the topic...

In general the SEC teams play creampuffs in OOC games but they also can have a conference game as their first game of the season. They can use these creampuff OOC games as a sort of bye week in the season. No one cares until towards the end of the season and they are fighting for the top ranking. And then it is mostly the fans for each team complaining about the other team's easy schedule.

I say easy OOC games and try to come out of them healthy. I don't think we will see the Gophers play as poorly in their first conference game next year or for many years. It is all a part of getting the players to believe in themselves and the culture change. Next year they will know what to expect and they will expect to win it. No more being overwhelmed with this system and these players and coaches. We will remain relevant and get better in the years to come.

The Big Ten season is all that matters. Schedule cupcakes and try to stay healthy during the Non-Conference schedule.

RodentRampage, so you don't think that Zygi and Mark, coowners of the NFL Vikings, are involved in organized crime? Is this judgment just a coincidence? Is the aforementioned judgment a conspiracy against a law abiding Wilf family? If so, who do you think is trying to frame the Wilf family? How would you explain all this? Please clarify. Thank you.

It's a stretch to call that organized crime, but it still doesn't provide any evidence that a conspiracy existed to get rid of Mason.

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