No Debbie Downers thread

The pass rush looked great. I thought the secondary played well too.

The defense as a whole was pretty good even with some missed tackles. Holding Hampton to 4.3 yards a carry isn't easy to do.
I was impressed by how the secondary is willing to stick their nose in there and lay some hits.

But only gave up 1 TD and 19 points while essentially creating a TD for the offense. And 3 that was given up wasn't their fault at all (Brosmer fumble).

The results were still pretty good even with that many missed tackles.
There was definitely quality play by some guys, but good teams are going to pick apart our weaknesses. Hoping the wet conditions played a part, but it looked a lot like last year.

It seems a few years of frustrations are really boiling over after this loss. Unfortunately, there is a trend of poor offensive football. And I think that's worth discussing. I don't condone firing threads after 1 loss. But I empathize with anyone that is feeling really crushed right now.

It's game one, how often have they looked good offensively in the first game of the year, I don't follow it that closely but I don't remember that many in the last ten years.

It's game one, how often have they looked good offensively in the first game of the year, I don't follow it that closely but I don't remember that many in the last ten years.
I can't speak for everyone else but for me it isn't that the offense struggled that's the most frustrating. It's that we continue to do the same things and be super conservative and predictable even though it hasn't worked for some time.

If they changed things up and it still didn't get results, it would be frustrating. But not as much IMO.

This thread turned out way better than I thought. Thanks for your thoughts! I get that some of you are worn down. It's reasonable because the Gophs have not been good for a large portion of their relatively recent history!

I came home from the state fair today and my dog wasn't here to greet me at the door with her over-the-top licks and yelps. That was a bigger let down than the Gopher loss. Turns out it was my future wife's time with the dog and she took her to her house. I just forgot. I know you don't care:) Haha! Just keep things in perspective and I look forward to reading your thoughts on other threads. Most of you are much more sophisticated Gopher minds than I am. Thanks for including me in your community!

Our defensive line and secondary look great. Daniel Jackson and Brockington looked very good, huge relief to see. Max looked comfortable and hit some tight windows when we gave him the chance to throw downfield.

As weird as it sounds, the first PI (Gousby?) was probably a smart play.....he bit on a fake and as the WR was running by him, he grabbed him. It could have been a TD, and instead is a 15 yard penalty.
15 is greater than 6

Obviously this was far from a well played game by our guys. But we still had a chance to win at the end. PJ is so predictable and UNC seemed to be geared up for those tendencies.

UNC plan was to contain the run and force us to pass. At times there were 9 and even 10 defenders in the box and then our WR had a tough time getting separation.

The third quarter was an absolute killer as UNC played keep away and made 2 FG's. I think we ran 4 plays for a net of one yard.

This may not be 100% accurate but MN passed 14 times on first down and ran 13 times. If that is correct, that is unusual for a PJ offense.

Even though Cody missed a lot of tackles he still led the team in tackles.

It's game one, how often have they looked good offensively in the first game of the year, I don't follow it that closely but I don't remember that many in the last ten years.
Not only that, playing without our star RB and in crappy conditions. Offense was going to be a struggle for both teams and that proved to be the case during the game.

All comes down to where things go from here. Disappointing to lose a game we could have won but lots of season left and teams make their biggest changes from week 1 to week 2.

You can draw the line like this… if you care so much that football or a specific team is who you worship you lost your way. There is o my one who should be worshiped and no other idols exist. Thst one is Jesus Christ.

Go gophers.

I just don't get why many of you follow the Gophers when you seem so constantly upset with them. I'll never get it, but to each their own. They are just entertainment for me and no result will change my life.

In any case, here's what I liked about yesterday:

College football is back and Colorado (almost) lost!

The new Big Ten will provide a lot of fun games to watch this year from morning to night on Saturdays!

Mack Brown was classy at the end of the game. Told PJ both teams should have won. Two mid-tier power 5 teams went down to the last play.

Max Brosmer looks like he has potential to me. I think a lot of this was first game jitters playing at a higher level and he has a good chance to be better moving forward. He got better as the game went on. He looks like a better thrower than AK. It looks like he might have a little gamer to him coming up big at the end of the game. Too bad PJ didn't let him go for the win on third down late in the game with a 10-15 yard throw for a better field goal try.

The defense looked pretty good and the receivers hands looked pretty sticky except for that drop in the end zone. I get it that they don't seem to get much separation.

Too bad for Max Johnson. NC's backup did not look that good. I'd be concerned about the rest of the season if I were them. It would have been intriguing to see how well NC did this year, but I don't like the look of their current QB.

Two preseason games and then Iowa will be a true measuring stick on Sept 21st!

Disappointing to me: the 3rd down call at the end, receivers except Daniel Jackson, Max Brosmer's start.

I understand your point SeaBee. You actually hit it on the head when you say it is entertainment for you. It is for me too. I can handle my team losing...I mean I have been a Minnesota fan all my life and if I couldn't handle losing, I'd be 6 feet under.

What I do not enjoy is watching an offense that takes all the fun out of the game. Hey, if we are moving the ball great on the ground and gashing them, keep running. That is fun! If we can't do that, lets see some offensive ingenuity with our play calling. Run some plays that use your run heavy set to create mismatches and burn the defense. KC ran a master class in this during the 2019 season. It was great! Think early deep ball to Bateman in the 2019 Penn State game. Could it get any more entertaining??!!

As a coach you have to believe in your players. Every time we get into range for a field goal we turtle up and play not to miss a chance to kick a field goal. Real coaches go for the touchdown. I mean if you literally are playing the need 3 field goals to out score a single touchdown. Our coaches do not play to win, that is on Fleck. It is like playing black jack, but regardless what the house is showing you stay on 12 or higher, because, could bust on your next card!

The players are playing their hearts out, I have no doubt, but they will only reach another level when the coach shows how much he trusts them to execute in difficult situations. Players get fired up to compete and go for it, they are athletes. Did you notice how North Carolina started moving the ball when they went up tempo in the 2nd half?? We never ever do that. We literally play the dullest football. We could be losing in the 4th quarter and will still bleed the clock. What are we doing???

I would literally rather watch paint dry as my 7 year old self. That was more entertaining than watching this offense. Bob Ross is painting the canvas and makes a mistake..."Oh, I made a mistake, no problem! We'll just turn that into a beautiful tree." Much more entertaining and significantly less frustrating.
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I understand your point SeaBee. You actually hit it on the head when you say it is entertainment for you. It is for me too. I can handle my team losing...I mean I have been a Minnesota fan all my life and if I couldn't handle losing, I'd be 6 feet under.

What I do not enjoy is watching an offense that takes all the fun out of the game. Hey, if we are moving the ball great on the ground and gashing them, keep running. That is fun! If we can't do that, lets see some offensive ingenuity with our play calling. Run some plays that use your run heavy set to create mismatches and burn the defense. KC ran a master class in this during the 2019 season. It was great! Think early deep ball to Bateman in the 2019 Penn State game. Could it get any more entertaining??!!

As a coach you have to believe in your players. Every time we get into range for a field goal we turtle up and play not to miss a chance to kick a field goal. Real coaches go for the touchdown. I mean if you literally are playing the need 3 field goals to out score a single touchdown. Our coaches do not play to win, that is on Fleck. It is like playing black jack, but regardless what the house is showing you stay on 12 or higher, because, could bust on your next card!

The players are playing their hearts out, I have no doubt, but they will only reach another level when the coach shows how much he trusts them to execute in difficult situations. Players get fired up to compete and go for it, they are athletes. Did you notice how North Carolina started moving the ball when they went up tempo in the 2nd half?? We never ever do that. We literally play the dullest football. We could be losing in the 4th quarter and will still bleed the clock. What are we doing???

I would literally rather watch paint dry as my 7 year old self. That was more entertaining than watching this offense. Bob Ross is painting the canvas and makes a mistake..."Oh, I made a mistake, no problem! We'll just turn that into a beautiful tree." Much more entertaining and significantly less frustrating.

^ Hard to say it any better than that. I chuckled because last season I did literally fall asleep at times. I did stay awake through the bitter end of this defensive battle.

Not only that, playing without our star RB and in crappy conditions. Offense was going to be a struggle for both teams and that proved to be the case during the game.

All comes down to where things go from here. Disappointing to lose a game we could have won but lots of season left and teams make their biggest changes from week 1 to week 2.
You must not have been at the game. The conditions were close to perfect. I’m sure there was some moisture on the field, but I saw maybe two kids slip all game. As I just mentioned elsewhere, you can’t be a star player when you only suit up 30% - 40 of the time.

Totally legit. But anyone that enjoys sports knows how this works by now. It's like complaining about death and taxes.

Fans wallow after losses, some more than others.

Yep. For some, the wallowing is how they 'enjoy' sports. It's all about second-guessing, calling for benching and firings, predicting disaster, etc.

That's okay. To each his or her own.

Yep. For some, the wallowing is how they 'enjoy' sports. It's all about second-guessing, calling for benching and firings, predicting disaster, etc.

That's okay. To each his or her own.

Just a game. Very few overreactions so far, IMO.

Thank you for this thread! I personally had a very pleasant time watching Sconnie struggling against Western Michigan on Friday LOL

I understand your point SeaBee. You actually hit it on the head when you say it is entertainment for you. It is for me too. I can handle my team losing...I mean I have been a Minnesota fan all my life and if I couldn't handle losing, I'd be 6 feet under.

What I do not enjoy is watching an offense that takes all the fun out of the game. Hey, if we are moving the ball great on the ground and gashing them, keep running. That is fun! If we can't do that, lets see some offensive ingenuity with our play calling. Run some plays that use your run heavy set to create mismatches and burn the defense. KC ran a master class in this during the 2019 season. It was great! Think early deep ball to Bateman in the 2019 Penn State game. Could it get any more entertaining??!!

As a coach you have to believe in your players. Every time we get into range for a field goal we turtle up and play not to miss a chance to kick a field goal. Real coaches go for the touchdown. I mean if you literally are playing the need 3 field goals to out score a single touchdown. Our coaches do not play to win, that is on Fleck. It is like playing black jack, but regardless what the house is showing you stay on 12 or higher, because, could bust on your next card!

The players are playing their hearts out, I have no doubt, but they will only reach another level when the coach shows how much he trusts them to execute in difficult situations. Players get fired up to compete and go for it, they are athletes. Did you notice how North Carolina started moving the ball when they went up tempo in the 2nd half?? We never ever do that. We literally play the dullest football. We could be losing in the 4th quarter and will still bleed the clock. What are we doing???

I would literally rather watch paint dry as my 7 year old self. That was more entertaining than watching this offense. Bob Ross is painting the canvas and makes a mistake..."Oh, I made a mistake, no problem! We'll just turn that into a beautiful tree." Much more entertaining and significantly less frustrating.
I see where you are coming from and agree that our offense is often very boring. I do think Max Brosmer will prove to be a better quarterback than we've had in a while so we'll throw more this year.

I'm also glad the other West schools are trying to modernize their offenses. If they are successful and the Gophers are not, PJ will need to change or he'll be gone.

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