Newcomers' summer camp impressions


Leave my member out of it!
Nov 12, 2008
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The Gophers wrapped up their eight-week summer camp session on August 9 as Minnesota welcomed five newcomers to campus in June. The team had on-court training, weight training and team bonding events during the summer session. Check out what the newcomers had to say about their first glimpse of campus life at Minnesota.

You've been on campus a couple months now, how has the transition been for you?
Jack Wilson: It's been really smooth. It would hard not to be smooth since we have so many good resources here in this facility. It's amazing. We have everything we need right here.
Cam Christie: The transition has been easy and a lot of fun. It's been great to get to know the area and know the people. It's been really fun so far.
Elijah Hawkins: The transition has been smooth, and I've been able to figure everything out. It's been pretty easy.
Mike Mitchell Jr.: It's been a pretty smooth transition. I like Minnesota. It's a lot different than California but definitely getting used to it and I love it out here. Elijah and I even went to the zoo the other day and really liked that.
Erick Reader: It's been really good. I'm from Bloomington, Minn., so it's not too far, but it's been really good to move to campus, be in the city and just a lot of activities to do here. It's been great to have things to do here.

Do you have a favorite spot on campus or in Minneapolis that you've liked so far?
JW: I went to Red Cow and that was really good. Other than that, I use our red card and get some food here in the area, mostly at Qboda.
CC: I like a lot of the spots in the area, but gotta say Tony's Diner.
EH: I'd have to say Raising Canes, because we don't have Canes where I'm from so that's the spot for me.
MM: I go to Tacos Locos across the street and eat their shrimp quesadillas.
ER: Most frequent spot I go to is Tony's Diner, but gotta say I like Frank's pizza.

You've had a chance to work with the coaching staff now, what have you taken away from this camp with them?
JW: You really start to get to know each other really well when you start to hit adversity. We haven't dealt with that yet, but it's inevitable. I'm excited to get into the season because they are such an even keel group. They are really reasonable and really only push you when it's about your effort and we don't really have effort issues with this group. The team all wants to work hard. It's been fun.
CC: Summer is the time to compete and get better. Always stay confident in your work and know that you can come to them or come to anyone on the team and ask questions. They let us know that you're welcome in this environment.
EH: The coaches are big into attention to detail in everything we do: making sure my passes are on point, having good pace on ball screens. They are really just helping me find my groove and my pace.
MM: Really locking in on the details, pace and getting the concepts of the offense and how I can thrive in the system.
ER: They've really helped me improve on my touch and skills around the basket. I've gotten a lot stronger and our strength coach has really helped me develop my strength attributes and have been able to put on some weight. They've also helped me get the feel of the ball in my hands and have more confidence on the court.

How have you been able to get to know your new teammates?
JW: As soon as I got here, Parker Fox was really good about bringing people together. We did something at (graduate manager) Nick Gag's place and have gone fishing with Parker and others and just had the opportunity to do different stuff with different guys. It's been great.
CC: It's been really easy. We hang out a ton outside of basketball, we live together so it's been really easy to hang out with them and enjoy getting to know them.
EH: It's been good, we do a lot of activities together like golfing. I've never done that before so it's been fun. We are bonding really well.
MM: Playing with them, living with them, it has been great. We've done a ton of team activities. We're even doing things like golf and bowling.
ER: It's been really good. Living with two other guys and all living in the same building, hang out, have meals together, it's been pretty easy.

When you come back to campus for fall, what are you most looking forward to?
JW: Academically, I'm excited to work on my master's degree. Obviously the most exciting thing is hoopin' with these guys and getting into the year and getting up and down the court.
CC: Just getting everyone: students, fans, back on campus. I want to see what actual college atmosphere is going to look like and looking forward to football starting, basketball starting and all the other sports getting going so I can go to those events.
EH: I'm just really excited to start the school year and get ready for the season.
MM: I'm looking forward to being in a bigger school environment, meeting more people, and beginning the season.
ER: The first home game at the Barn is going to be super fun and I can't wait to have campus filled up with students and have a good time.

No mention of Kris Keinys. Be interested to hear him. (Realize he just got here and it was about “summer camp”)

You’re fast becoming my favorite poster - thanks!

Ron is a GOAT for calling his catch a WS 🐐 - that’s one of the reasons I ❤️ it here - it’s okay to toot your own horn!
The only people who can’t handle that ain’t got no horn. Toot toot! The Little Train that Could.

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