A platform to promote the football program is fine. Doesn't belong on the uniforms.
As for why the Athletic Department allows it? Look no further than our AD. He has demonstrated, repeatedly, that he lacks one iota of leadership. A leader would have sat down and explained to Fleck that we'll use it in marketing, we'll collect oars at the spring game, maybe even hand them from the concourse ceilings (although a better use would be to donate them to the various camps around the state to get a little bit of U of MN pride into the hands of young Minnesotans) we'll put it on t-shirts, it's a great new tradition to rally the football team around, but this is the University of Minnesota. Row the Boat and oars and any other thing that is about you PJ, stays with the team and does not reside on the uniforms or the official logos of the University of Minnesota. Win 6 national championships and stay at the school for 30 years? You've become part of the lore of the program, the school, and the state. Then, and only then will we talk about putting oars on uniforms."
But Mark Coyle, instead, hid in his office, didn't say anything, didn't do anything, let Fleck walk all over the school and will use it as a flimsy excuse to nail Fleck to the wall when he finds it expedient because some "Alumni Donor(s)" complained about it. You need a leader to keep a coach like Fleck pointed in the right direction. With the Kaler and Coyle KCLOWN show, Fleck has no Daedulus to his Icarus.