New Gophers QB Max Brosmer: 'The [transfer] portal is insane'


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Nov 11, 2008
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Per Harrison:

When new Gophers quarterback Max Brosmer entered the transfer portal in late November he wasn't prepared for just how crazy his life was about to become.

"The portal is insane," Brosmer told Justin Gaard on the latest Golden Gophers Podcast. "It's such a stressful time because it feels like this decision will last you the rest of your life. And you have to make that decision in a matter of one-to-two weeks. I was freaking out about it. It's a lot."

The Roswell, Georgia native admitted he couldn't respond to everybody who had reached out when entered the portal.

In early December Brosmer committed to playing his final year of college ball for PJ Fleck and the Gophers admitting "it was a bit surreal" to be talking to Fleck.

Brosmer is coming off a season at the University of New Hampshire in which he lead the FCS with 3,459 passing yards with 29 touchdowns and only six interceptions this season. The 6-foot-2 QB finished four years at New Hampshire passing for 8,701 yards, 70 touchdowns and 25 interceptions in 36 games.

"I'm having a really good time with the team," said Brosmer who spent a week with the Gophers while they prepared for the Quick Lane Bowl in late December. "I think the bowl week was a really good way to get with the team for a few days. Kind of be immersed in the culture for as few days as I was there with the team."

Go Gophers!!

The whole situation is weird. These kids have to manage it themselves ... can't have a real agent. Parents and family try to help but they're not pros.

There are kids out there signing with schools with no NIL deal expecting one and then it falls through entirely... because some outside group of lunatic fans dorked up.

Even agents aside in pro sports land if a team offers a deal, you kinda know they'll actually pay... not in NIL land.

Anyway I’m happy to move forward with Brosmer. It is still a roll of the dice, but I’m happy to see where this goes.

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That podcast episode with Brosmer was a good listen. He seems very intelligent and extremely dedicated to achieving his goals, which is good for the Gophers. Sounds like he and Harbaugh have already formed a great connection. I really liked the part where Max discussed how Harbaugh sat him down to discuss what he was successful and comfortable with at UNH, and how they could work that into what the Gophers want to accomplish. Now, that may sound like common sense, but it’s confirmation that the staff isn’t necessarily trying to force a round peg into a square hole per se. They are adapting. While I think most would expect that, it’s refreshing and encouraging to actually hear it being practiced.

That podcast episode with Brosmer was a good listen. He seems very intelligent and extremely dedicated to achieving his goals, which is good for the Gophers. Sounds like he and Harbaugh have already formed a great connection. I really liked the part where Max discussed how Harbaugh sat him down to discuss what he was successful and comfortable with at UNH, and how they could work that into what the Gophers want to accomplish. Now, that may sound like common sense, but it’s confirmation that the staff isn’t necessarily trying to force a round peg into a square hole per se. They are adapting. While I think most would expect that, it’s refreshing and encouraging to actually hear it being practiced.
Personal relationships, business relationships, player and coach relationships....lots of relationships in life where the person in control is smart enough to ask the right questions giving you the peace of mind things are going to be good going forward. Then after a few weeks you realize they have no intention of acknowledging your wishes or they are completely incapable of making it happen. If they are skillful in their deception...more weeks go by after assurance and excuses why it hasn't happened just yet.

So, yes. Awesome they had the discussion but lets wait until they play some games to see if Harbaugh is capable or willing to implement those talks. I'm sure Harbaugh had the same talks with AK8...neither side liked the outcome of those discussions in real life.

Listening to Harbaugh's interviews he's a smart guy...takes more than that to be a good coach sometimes. For instance, is he in complete control of the offensive decisions? Lots of different ways people write checks they can't cash in agreements or negotiations or recruiting.

Love his attitude. Curious how he does in the spring game, as the passing game can only improve from last year. RTB

That podcast episode with Brosmer was a good listen. He seems very intelligent and extremely dedicated to achieving his goals, which is good for the Gophers. Sounds like he and Harbaugh have already formed a great connection. I really liked the part where Max discussed how Harbaugh sat him down to discuss what he was successful and comfortable with at UNH, and how they could work that into what the Gophers want to accomplish. Now, that may sound like common sense, but it’s confirmation that the staff isn’t necessarily trying to force a round peg into a square hole per se. They are adapting. While I think most would expect that, it’s refreshing and encouraging to actually hear it being practiced.
Not to say you're wrong but I suspect it is a way of feeling him out and getting on the same page .... and demonstrating to Max that we want to do more than maybe he saw on the passing "highlight" videos he maybe saw from us last year. Particularly as the year went on.

That Wisconsin game we ran pass plays were everyone ran out 8 yards, turned around and just sat there ... hoping our QB could complete a pass. Had to tell Max "we did that because ... uh reasons, that's not what we want to do" I bet ;)

Not to say you're wrong but I suspect it is a way of feeling him out and getting on the same page .... and demonstrating to Max that we want to do more than maybe he saw on the passing "highlight" videos he maybe saw from us last year. Particularly as the year went on.

That Wisconsin game we ran pass plays were everyone ran out 8 yards, turned around and just sat there ... hoping our QB could complete a pass. Had to tell Max "we did that because ... uh reasons, that's not what we want to do" I bet ;)
There was a post where Max's QB coach said basically that.. was eye opening at how inept our o was last year at the QB position

Keep it simple and expand on that as the season moves on. I'm excited for this kid, I think we have a great chance to rebound back to what we had been previously hitting under Fleck, record wise. Lean on the run game and use the experienced qb to hit 5-8 yard passes with the occasional play action rip for 15-20. I'm already jazzed for next season.

Lidner was just trolling us.

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