New Football Schedule.

They’re all non-con for them as an independent.
Yeah, didn't realize they are again. They have bounced around conferences and will be back in one soon. Also in a relative sense, most of their past dozen or so seasons have not been easy...nowhere to go but up.

Much better schedule setup year over year, no more long runs on cupcakes like this year. The discussion of this team should be much more balanced and reasonable as a result.

Mixed feelings on this as we will have more colder games. Maybe the TV networks can throw us a bone and give us some 2:30 kickoffs?

Is that a nice area? Have heard East Lansing is a s-hole.
Once you get out of EL, it's a fairly beautiful area. Northern Wisconsin or North Shore feel in Fall. EL itself is, in my non important opinion, a shit hole. I'm no expert, as I've only been there 4 times, but I never actually want to go back.

Mixed feelings on this as we will have more colder games. Maybe the TV networks can throw us a bone and give us some 2:30 kickoffs?
If you want better odds for a less colder kickoff then 11am would be the preferred kick-off time in November (after Daylight Savings ends).

Much better schedule setup year over year, no more long runs on cupcakes like this year. The discussion of this team should be much more balanced and reasonable as a result.
All I ask is that going forward PJ Fleck learns something from the Bowling Green game and takes care of business with the so-called weaker, non-P5 teams. Every year the NC games are nail-biters.

All I ask is that going forward PJ Fleck learns something from the Bowling Green game and takes care of business with the so-called weaker, non-P5 teams. Every year the NC games are nail-biters.
If there ever was a game that PJ would maybe want to run up the score in a NC game, wouldn't it be the Fleck-Kill Bowl?

Stupid. Now they have to compete with the Fleck-Kill Bowl. Ratings won't be very good for that one.
They could stagger the kick-offs, make it a double-header. Penn St- Pur @ 6pm EDT / 5pm CDT followed by Minn-NMSt at 8:15 CDT. Ratings bonanza.

They could stagger the kick-offs, make it a double-header. Penn St- Pur @ 6pm EDT / 5pm CDT followed by Minn-NMSt at 8:15 CDT. Ratings bonanza.
For sure. Kinda like if Jethro Tull opened up for The Beatles.

View attachment 16458

Got the photo from @Thedailygopher
Warning: This is an unrelated off-topic post, read it at your own risk...

In college intramurals we named our dorm's softball team "BYE" thinking it'd be funny. After winning our first three games by forfeit with the other team not showing up, we finally got the schedules redone with our new name, "Hi(gh)". Lesson learned, when playing softball, it kinda sucked to be "BYE", much better to be "Hi(gh)"...

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