Never thought Maturi was a poker player but what if...


Nov 20, 2008
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What if the U already has their next coached lined up? Seemed like Maturi evaded a few questions about a search committee and put heavy emphasis on firing now so we could get a big name guy.

If there's anything to the Leslie Frazier talk I would believe the NFL and Vikings would have allowed Frazier to negotiate for a HC job during the season.

Lastly, I find it rather coincidental that NFL sources told Viking beat writers this morning that Frazier was interested in the job. When exactly did Frazier express this interest? Couldn't have been this morning when they're preparing for a game??

What if??

That's not a bad thought considering there are so many very good candidates not coaching right now.

Seemed like Maturi evaded a few questions about a search committee

Based on 2006-2007 I am a little afraid that this is because he just hasn't gotten around to thinking about how he might go about getting things done just yet.

When exactly did Frazier express this interest? Couldn't have been this morning when they're preparing for a game??

What if??

Interesting point. Would also be very easy to hide, considering Frazier's a local who could've simply stopped by or called Maturi.

I would guess Dungy has already been on the horn with some guys gauging interest.

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