Need your thoughts of an event that transpired right in front of me

After looking at the lines to the concession stands, I think a lot of us would have just as soon gotten a pull as well...


Breastfeeding isn't by any honest measure like "running around stark naked".

Sure it is. Both are technically harmless and totally natural, but are indiscreet and completely unnecessary in a public setting. The only difference is that not enough hippies have whined yet to get public nudity recognized as a guaranteed right.

So I guess my question would be where is it appropriate to undergo this operation? Are you going to wait for a huge line for a women's bathroom? And then...That sounds gross just typing it. I get a little uncomfortable with the lil' sucklings going to town near me as well but at least they were fairly discreet with the procedure.

I also understand taking a small child to a momentous event, even though they will never remember it. I went to the Brewer's '82 series run and would not have been weaned yet, and hell I was renting cars legally by the time they got back to the post season! I am, in hindsight, grateful my mother made the deciscion to take me (plus I was a cute kid and got a signed ball; that will never happen again, I assure you!).

Breast feeding is exactly as natural as walking around stark naked, and exactly as appropriate at a football game.

Bringing a baby to a game is foolish to begin with. They wont enjoy, remember, or understand it.
Sure it is. Both are technically harmless and totally natural, but are indiscreet and completely unnecessary in a public setting. The only difference is that not enough hippies have whined yet to get public nudity recognized as a guaranteed right.

You need to stop talking on this issue. You clearly don't have kids, and until you do, you have no idea what you're talking about.

I've got a suggestion for you. Take a breastfeeding woman out in the middle of downtown Minneapolis, and have her stand there and nurse. Then you go stand out there buck naked. Let me know which one gets you in trouble. That should tell you just how much "the same" they are.

As to whether or not the baby can remember going to the game, that's one of the dumbest arguments I've ever heard. It's the parents' choice whether or not to bring their child to the game, and they don't have to consult with you first.

There is absolutely nothing wrong or inappropriate with doing it anywhere the woman damn well pleases, legally, morally, or otherwise. By law, she can have her bare breast hanging right out there if she wants, but the OP made it clear from the start that she was using a towel and doing a more than reasonable job of keeping her modesty intact.

Seriously, grow up. I'm sure the newborn baby has more maturity than you at this point.

And if this is all a bit...kudos.

Sure it is. Both are technically harmless and totally natural, but are indiscreet and completely unnecessary in a public setting. The only difference is that not enough hippies have whined yet to get public nudity recognized as a guaranteed right.

I said that they aren't by any honest measure the same, thus excluding your drivel. There's no particular benefit from running around stark naked, and running around naked carries risks of sunburn, injuries if you fall on your exposed skin, and exposure to whatever you might step on. I can't imagine the seats would be too comfortable either.

On the other hand, there are many benefits to breastfeeding. And it wasn't "hippies" who got breastfeeding made legal in public.

The above post was my 2000th. I used it to argue about breastfeeding. :eek:

This may be the most idiotic thread ever to get so many posts on the GopherHole. I can't believe I have even participated.

All I can say is that I GUARANTEE that all of the posters who have found fault and/or discomfort with this are either:
1) Not parents, or;
2) Were parents in some by-gone era (like 35+ years ago) when society tried to force people to believe that life was like "Leave it to Beaver" and married people slept in seperate twin beds.

I defy anyone who has indicated a problem with the "incident" to disprove my theory.

You should have asked her if she brought enough for everybody.

Two years ago I was at my kid's dentist office here in Santa Cruz when a young mother I was talking to in the waiting room suddenly hiked up her blouse as we were chatting about local real estate and started nursing her infant, no towel, while facing me. She was about a 7.5 by California standards, blonde and thin with perky bulbs, so it was all good. If she had been some tubby hairy gaia earth-mother type, I might have had a bit of a problem.

Looking forward to seeing your pristine new stadium on the tube this Saturday am.

"I have absolutely no problem with this. It sounds like the mother had a towel/blanket over her baby, so it's not a big deal. <b>The baby needs food- she doesn't eat nachos</b>."

I just spit out a little lunch laughing at that comment.

Dude, it's fine. I suppose it seems unusual at first but it's great that she's doing this for her baby. The literature/research identifying the benefits to the child is compelling. My wife breastfed both our boys and I observed that it was quite a commitment for her and not always comfortable. So I think it's great that this become socially okay. I'm impressed by the other responses to your question. She made the right decision.

Go Gophers!

You don't change a diaper in the aisle, you shouldn't breast feed there either.

You have every right to be squeamish. But these two aren't even in the same ballpark and this is a completely illogical argument.

Not to defend the original poster, BUT:

1. I'm a father of 3 (6, 4, and 6 months)..
2. My wife breastfeeds in public (covering herself and the baby with a blanket)
3. It makes me uncomfortable (which drives my wife nuts)...her usual comment is "What? Do u want me to go sit in a stall? Not gonna happen.")
4. As for making other arrangements....not many people want to leave infants (especially those who are breast feeding with someone else. I know, in my case, my 6 month old would be better behaved at the game than the 4 and 6 year olds!!!!:eek:

You don't change a diaper in the aisle, you shouldn't breast feed there either.

No belching, hiccuping or sneezing in the aisle either.

What's the big deal? The baby was hungry and he/she was fed discreetly.

take advantage of the situation

next game ask her to start sneaking in contraband for you - flasks etc - they will never check what is in the bag of stuff she brings in for the baby

You need to stop talking on this issue. You clearly don't have kids, and until you do, you have no idea what you're talking about.

I've got a suggestion for you. Take a breastfeeding woman out in the middle of downtown Minneapolis, and have her stand there and nurse. Then you go stand out there buck naked. Let me know which one gets you in trouble. That should tell you just how much "the same" they are.

As to whether or not the baby can remember going to the game, that's one of the dumbest arguments I've ever heard. It's the parents' choice whether or not to bring their child to the game, and they don't have to consult with you first.

There is absolutely nothing wrong or inappropriate with doing it anywhere the woman damn well pleases, legally, morally, or otherwise. By law, she can have her bare breast hanging right out there if she wants, but the OP made it clear from the start that she was using a towel and doing a more than reasonable job of keeping her modesty intact.

Seriously, grow up. I'm sure the newborn baby has more maturity than you at this point.

And if this is all a bit...kudos.

I was going to post a full reply, but this summary pretty much matches my thoughts exactly.


next game ask her to start sneaking in contraband for you - flasks etc - they will never check what is in the bag of stuff she brings in for the baby

This is pretty much the magic bullet. My wife breastfed and I by no means was ever uncomfortable with it. It is better for the baby, builds better bonding with mom and is easier on the pocketbook all at the same time, pretty much a no lose scenario. BUT, the real benefit is the small window of time where you could use that diaper bag to carry in a nice stash of Captain Morgan. Made many a Dome game more bearable!!!! :clap: Something about gunning down about 8 Captain Cokes made some of the heartbreaker losses somewhat more bearable.

Both mother and baby should be proud. This is probably the first breast-feeding in TCF Bank history. It can never be taken from them.

Something I can comment on as I went through it on Saturday.

My wife & I did bring our 4-1/2 month old into the game. Why? Someday, we can tell our son that he was at the first Gopher game at TCF Bank Stadium, regardless whether he will remember it or not. Probably bringing him on Saturday as my grandpa will also be at the game so we can have a nice pic of 4 generations of FireDaveLee males at the Gopher game. We have babysitters lined up for the Wisconsin & Michigan State game. He won't be at the SDSU game, not sure about the Illinois game.

We've breastfeed and do a bit of mixing with formula due to production. We prepared a few bottles to bring in. One thing about the dome that was good is it had a room for mothers that could feed. We haven't found one yet at TCF if it exists.

We know it's natural, but we also both try to do it somewhere else rather than right in the middle of public. At the state fair, we'll find a bench that's behind a pillar at the grandstand or something like that. We won't do it in a stall, but we try to find a location that's a bit out of view. We know it's natural, and it's legal....but we feel that it's not always just about us or our child. There are many other people around and we try to respect others if they have a problem. Granted most around don't have a problem, but there are some that do.

However, we did have a bottle for him, he got it for a halftime snack, and he at least got a snack during halftime unlike myself due to the concession lines. :)

I can empathize FDL...

Regarding the newest member of the FireDaveLee clan, I attended every UGA home game in 1958, but I had an "inside" seat so to speak. Since I was born in November '58, I've heard of my late Mom's making the gameday walks up the hills in Athens many times in my life. "Born and bred Bulldawg" was my moniker until becoming a Gopher later in life (now THAT's a transformation!).

Yes, your kid will appreciate his being at THIS game. He'll have bragging rights few will be able to beat in his generation. A great gift. Bet "The Bank" on it.

Go Gophers! Beat the Bears!

Out of all the sporting events I have ever been to, I witnessed a first at the game last night.

The group in front of me brought their baby with them to the game. Always happens at all games. She was cute she had on a Gopher cheerleader outfit on. Everything was fine until the baby starts crying. My thoughts are it is too loud or maybe the baby is hungry.

Well I assumed they were going to get a bottle out which they had with them. NOPE the mom holds the baby in her lap throws a towel over the baby and starts adjusting her shirt to allow for breast feeding. Couldnt hide the fact of this as she was right on the aisle.

A lady came walking down the stairs and looked over at her and nearly threw out her neck doing a double take. My wife and I were so uncomfortable with this.

Are we wrong in feeling weird about this??

What are you twelve?

FireDaveLee, just a helpful service announcement here, but at the State Fair they actually have a little building where you can go and breastfeed in air conditioned private rooms. Ask at the Info booth, I don't remember where it is.

I dunno, if she had planned ahead she would have brought a bottle (full of breast milk). Best of both worlds - baby gets all the benefits of breast milk - and nobody's weirded out/uncomfortable. I can completely understand how this would be out of place at a football game.

My third child wouldn't take a bottle. I had no choice but to feed her where we were. We were never apart her first 6 months. Honestly, I hated breastfeeding but it was free food and my child refused a bottle.

There is really nowhere else to feed a baby in a place like that - someone once asked me to go to the bathroom (and I was totally covered). Would you give a bottle to a baby on a toilet? I wouldn't have wanted to stay home from the game because my child had to eat.

I can understand discomfort but it's just a kid eating. I had a guy wearing flip-flops that was picking his feet - now that made me squirm.

If we can have nearly naked cheerleaders at football games moms should be able to breast feed their babies too.;)

As getting my wife to go to a sports event just doesn't happen, it's a moot point, but if someone had asked her to go somewhere else to breastfeed, there would be a real problem. Maybe the cheerleaders should wear burkhas so that no one is made unformfortable. Maybe people should go eat their hot dogs in the bathroom so that it doesn't make vegetarians uncomfortable. If breast feeding makes people unformfortable, learn to deal with it. Builds character.

I wish I could have a dollar for every public breast feeding I have seen (I'd take all those dollars and go to a strip club! No, just kidding). Anyway, I don't think twice about it. It is a total non-issue.

If this would have happened in front of me during the game... I would have watched the game.

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