Nebraska @ Wisconsin

Hard to admit, but I'm EXTREMELY jealous of Wisconsin tonight. I'm sure the scene in Madison was out of this world today, the crowd is great tonight, the team is kicking butt - and they are (unfortunately) probably headed for the NC game. This on top of the fact that they own us (are we even their rival anymore?), Rose Bowl upon Rose Bowl including last year, no growing pains when Barry retired, etc. It's sickening how far away we are from where their program is.

I think I threw up a little.

Could Wisconsin and Minnesota teams be any more opposite right now? Super Bowl win, Rose Bowl, MLB playoffs, and Sweet 16. I don't see anyone beating Wisconsin in the Big Ten, especially with their key free agent pickup at QB this year. He's very good.

I wonder if Bret's chart tells him to go for 2 tonight in the 4th quarter?


-=waits for the low self image Becky trolls to poke fun=-

It would be one helluva a game.

Thing is Bama plays an almost Big Ten like system due to Sabin coming from there so at least Wisconsin would kind of get how to play them [as opposed to say Oregon or TCU last year]. Similar with LSU.

I really think Wisconsin would have more trouble with Oregon than anyone.

It would be one helluva a game.

Thing is Bama plays an almost Big Ten like system due to Sabin coming from there so at least Wisconsin would kind of get how to play them [as opposed to say Oregon or TCU last year]. Similar with LSU.

I really think Wisconsin would have more trouble with Oregon than anyone.

The thing about Bama is they are just as big and strong, and a lot faster.

Wisconsin looks like national title contenders. Wilson has taken that team to a new level.

The Gophers fouled up Wisconsin's national title hopes in 93 by beating them. They'll do it again this year (by torching Wisconsin's strength of schedule). That'll show 'em.

The Gophers fouled up Wisconsin's national title hopes in 93 by beating them. They'll do it again this year (by torching Wisconsin's strength of schedule). That'll show 'em.

Did you go to homecoming, I see our Gusties are now 0-4?

The Gophers fouled up Wisconsin's national title hopes in 93 by beating them. They'll do it again this year (by torching Wisconsin's strength of schedule). That'll show 'em.

I love our team's passive aggressiveness. The true definition of "Minnesota Nice"

The Badgers are damn good. I mean they are scary good. I hate the entire state of Wisconsin, but they have a damn good football team. Russell Wilson has made them an almost elite team. Regardless, I hope they fall on their face, but Bulemia doesn't lose to many games he shouldn't. In fact, he destroys teams that he should beat. I lust the ability to destroy teams that you should beat.

Ok, WI is unreal. I was completely wrong. Far and away the class of the b10. I want to die.

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