Nebraska Wants to Re-join the Big !2?

I'd hate to see Nebraska leave. I think they're a beautiful fit with the Big Ten. I also think it would make more sense for them to welcome Oklahoma to the Big Ten than to trade places with Oklahoma.

Well stated. Nebraska definitely fits.

Now if Penn State and all their issues (Sandusky/Paterno stuff, still living in the past, arguably worst fans in the B1G) wanted to leave. ... I'd gladly replace them with Pitt, Oklahoma, Kansas, or Missouri. Penn State fans seem like they've never really warmed to the Big Ten, probably because they realized they weren't going to come in and dominate football.

(I'm in the minority that hasn't given up on Rutgers as a viable B1G school. ... long, long ways to go, admittedly)

The next TV deal for the Big Ten will offer payouts of $50 mil plus...don't see any version of the Big 12 that comes close to that.

Hard to say. I would imagine that if TX is trying to get this new conference going that the carrot they are putting out is that they would fully share TV revenue (otherwise what incentive would the existing teams have to bolt?).

So if they dump both OK schools, add Cincy, Houston, BYU and NE we'd have the following:

IA State
KS State

Texas Tech
West VA

Think about the states that would carry the B12 channel (or whatever it ends up being). Iowa, Kansas, Ohio, Nebraska, Utah, Texas and West VA. Not to mention some of the bordering states (MO, KY, VA, etc.) and the somewhat national appeal of BYU. That's a lot of TV's. Would it be as lucrative as the B1G? Probably not, but I think it could be closer than people think. Maybe the B1G is nudging them for not being a member of the AAU? Maybe the additional travel expenses are more than the money difference? There is a lot more to the financial impact than it appears at first glance.

Though here's an interesting counter article: Though if it is a new conference I don't think there'd be the pride issues as there would if they actually went back to the Big 12.

Maybe they want to lower their academic standards so that they can recruit some of the players they want.

Every reason to leave the XII is still there, this is all BS.

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