Nebraska Wants to Re-join the Big !2?


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Nov 12, 2008
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Nebraska Wants to Re-join the Big 12?

More Big 12 news. Maybe.

NE certainly had it easier over there and their fans have complained that they don't see the "name schools" enough in the Big Ten. Throw in missing the "push over" rivalries and maybe there is something to it. As for the academics and money...? Can't believe adding BYU, Cincy, Houston, and Nebraska would bring a big check from TV and what's the chance of Texas giving up some of their personal TV money?

Most likely it's a pipe dream but for what it's worth, here's the story:

Between 2010 and 2013, four schools left the conference, reducing it from 12 to eight teams. Those schools included Nebraska, Texas A&M, Missouri and Colorado. The conference added TCU and West Virginia to make up for the exodus.

Now a report says Nebraska, which moved to the Big Ten, wants to rejoin the Big 12.

Radio host Tim Montemayor reported Wednesday that the Cornhuskers want to rejoin the Big 12.

I was told today members of the #BIGXII are willing to let #OU walk because Nebraska has expressed serious interest in rejoining league...

— Tim Montemayor (@TheMontyShow) October 5, 2016

#Nebraska believes they would have access to significant TV money in a new #BIGXII with Texas. #BYU #Hou and #Cincinnati would join

— Tim Montemayor (@TheMontyShow) October 5, 2016

I have heard for going on a year that #Nebraska enjoyed the revenue from the #BIG10 but does not feel their brand has benefited or grown

— Tim Montemayor (@TheMontyShow) October 5, 2016

Monty was formerly a radio show host in Salt Lake City and was plugged into things going on with BYU, which has interest in joining the new conference, along with Houston and Cincinnati.

Previously, Kansas State's Bill Snyder had said two former Big 12 members wanted to rejoin the conference. His comments over the summer seemed to hint that Nebraska wanted back in, so that would support this report.

Monty also says this new conference, if it were to form, would likely have a new name. He says there is also some bitterness between rivals Texas and Oklahoma over the Longhorns' efforts to build this new conference, which might not include the Sooners.

Ultimately it seems there are big changes in store for the conference currently known as the Big 12.

More Big 12 news. Maybe.

NE certainly had it easier over there and their fans have complained that they don't see the "name schools" enough in the Big Ten. Throw in missing the "push over" rivalries and maybe there is something to it. As for the academics and money...? Can't believe adding BYU, Cincy, Houston, and Nebraska would bring a big check from TV and what's the chance of Texas giving up some of their personal TV money?

Most likely it's a pipe dream but for what it's worth, here's the story:

Between 2010 and 2013, four schools left the conference, reducing it from 12 to eight teams. Those schools included Nebraska, Texas A&M, Missouri and Colorado. The conference added TCU and West Virginia to make up for the exodus.

Now a report says Nebraska, which moved to the Big Ten, wants to rejoin the Big 12.

Radio host Tim Montemayor reported Wednesday that the Cornhuskers want to rejoin the Big 12.

I was told today members of the #BIGXII are willing to let #OU walk because Nebraska has expressed serious interest in rejoining league...

— Tim Montemayor (@TheMontyShow) October 5, 2016

#Nebraska believes they would have access to significant TV money in a new #BIGXII with Texas. #BYU #Hou and #Cincinnati would join

— Tim Montemayor (@TheMontyShow) October 5, 2016

I have heard for going on a year that #Nebraska enjoyed the revenue from the #BIG10 but does not feel their brand has benefited or grown

— Tim Montemayor (@TheMontyShow) October 5, 2016

Monty was formerly a radio show host in Salt Lake City and was plugged into things going on with BYU, which has interest in joining the new conference, along with Houston and Cincinnati.

Previously, Kansas State's Bill Snyder had said two former Big 12 members wanted to rejoin the conference. His comments over the summer seemed to hint that Nebraska wanted back in, so that would support this report.

Monty also says this new conference, if it were to form, would likely have a new name. He says there is also some bitterness between rivals Texas and Oklahoma over the Longhorns' efforts to build this new conference, which might not include the Sooners.

Ultimately it seems there are big changes in store for the conference currently known as the Big 12.

I'm calling BS. Everyone knows that NDSU would bring in more that all four of those schools combined… Well I was told that by one of their fans anyway….

not buying it. would be a step back for nebraska.

Some NE fans have thought for reasons that I cannot comprehend that going into the BIG was beneath them.
Their opinion was the only thing that kept the state "relevant" in the national spot light was their FB team.
That is true.

Most thought that NE would run roughshod over the BIG and when that turned out to be a delusion they became bitter.
I say if they want to leave, AMF.

Some NE fans have thought for reasons that I cannot comprehend that going into the BIG was beneath them.
Their opinion was the only thing that kept the state "relevant" in the national spot light was their FB team.
That is true.

Most thought that NE would run roughshod over the BIG and when that turned out to be a delusion they became bitter.
I say if they want to leave, AMF.

You want them to go bowling?

I don't know the legal ramifications of this. Would the other B1G schools have to vote to let Nebraska leave - or can they just leave on their own?

And - the $64,000 question - if Nebraska would leave, who does the B1G recruit to fill the opening? Can't play with an odd number of teams - the scheduling would be impossible. The pipe dream would be Notre Dame - but I think the Irish still have too much pride, and see themselves as belonging to a different category. I suppose if Oklahoma gets left out of the revamped Big XII, they would be a possibility.

Or, NDSU could move up to D1..........(nah)........

The next TV deal for the Big Ten will offer payouts of $50 mil plus...don't see any version of the Big 12 that comes close to that.

The next TV deal for the Big Ten will offer payouts of $50 mil plus...don't see any version of the Big 12 that comes close to that.

Also; did't NE start out with only a half share of revenue? When did/does the full share take effect?

Nebraska on track for big payday in 2017 - Big Red Today

Also; did't NE start out with only a half share of revenue? When did/does the full share take effect?

3:28 AM huh? :)

Pretty much. They start getting their full share in July 2017. Lot of grumbling down in NE about Maryland getting more money up front than the Cornhuskers got. Even though a big chunk of that was an advance on future earnings to pay their buyout from the ACC. They below information came for an article in January 2016.

"In 2010, Nebraska was fleeing a Big 12 that appeared to be imploding, he said. Conversely, Maryland in 2013 was being actively courted by the Big Ten, which was eager to get into the Eastern television markets that Maryland and Rutgers represented...

Nebraska, Maryland and Rutgers were all given six-year terms to transition to a full Big Ten share...Nebraska’s $14 million payment during 2011-12, its first in the Big Ten, was based on what it had been expected to receive from the Big 12 in that year...Public documents show Nebraska’s payments have gradually ramped up: to $15.4 million in year two, then $16.9 million, $18.7 million and about $22 million for the current year.

Those transition-year payments were not adjusted even though, as it turned out, Big 12 members have actually received larger payments than were projected back in 2010...

“There was a considerable difference in negotiating leverage between Nebraska and Maryland,” Perlman said. “While we brought a better athletic reputation, they brought considerably more financial opportunity for the conference — opportunity that Nebraska will share in the years ahead.”

Indeed, Nebraska is now well on its way to a B1G payday.

In less than 18 months, Nebraska will become fully invested in the league financially, staking a one-twelfth ownership in the league’s lucrative TV network and eligible for annual conference payouts that by then could easily exceed $40 million".

I'm going with no they don't want to go back to a conference that won't likely be around in a few years.

I'm going with no they don't want to go back to a conference that won't likely be around in a few years.

My opinion too but with one big caveat. Bet the vast majority of their fans want to go back, but the majority of their faculty and the people running the University and paying the bills don't.

My opinion too but with one big caveat. Bet the vast majority of their fans want to go back, but the majority of their faculty and the people running the University and paying the bills don't.

The article in the OP sure makes it sound like the administration at NE wants it to happen.

3:28 AM huh? :)

Pretty much. They start getting their full share in July 2017. Lot of grumbling down in NE about Maryland getting more money up front than the Cornhuskers got. Even though a big chunk of that was an advance on future earnings to pay their buyout from the ACC. They below information came for an article in January 2016.

"In 2010, Nebraska was fleeing a Big 12 that appeared to be imploding, he said. Conversely, Maryland in 2013 was being actively courted by the Big Ten, which was eager to get into the Eastern television markets that Maryland and Rutgers represented...

Nebraska, Maryland and Rutgers were all given six-year terms to transition to a full Big Ten share...Nebraska’s $14 million payment during 2011-12, its first in the Big Ten, was based on what it had been expected to receive from the Big 12 in that year...Public documents show Nebraska’s payments have gradually ramped up: to $15.4 million in year two, then $16.9 million, $18.7 million and about $22 million for the current year.

Those transition-year payments were not adjusted even though, as it turned out, Big 12 members have actually received larger payments than were projected back in 2010...

“There was a considerable difference in negotiating leverage between Nebraska and Maryland,” Perlman said. “While we brought a better athletic reputation, they brought considerably more financial opportunity for the conference — opportunity that Nebraska will share in the years ahead.”

Indeed, Nebraska is now well on its way to a B1G payday.

In less than 18 months, Nebraska will become fully invested in the league financially, staking a one-twelfth ownership in the league’s lucrative TV network and eligible for annual conference payouts that by then could easily exceed $40 million".

I have very bizzare sleep habits.

I remember the Maryland payment. I think that wqas understandable...but if I'm NE I'd have to wonder how they can pay that and then only pay us a partial cut. Isn't thay why we got NE instead of Mizzou?

I have very bizzare sleep habits.

I remember the Maryland payment. I think that wqas understandable...but if I'm NE I'd have to wonder how they can pay that and then only pay us a partial cut. Isn't thay why we got NE instead of Mizzou?

Maryland and Rutgers got the same deal NE did. Only Maryland got a loan on future earnings to pay off the ACC. So NE and Rutgers will have full shares after 6 years, Maryland will be paying back the loan for several years after that.

My opinion too but with one big caveat. Bet the vast majority of their fans want to go back, but the majority of their faculty and the people running the University and paying the bills don't.

The fans don't want to go back to the Big 12. They are nostalgic about the Big 8 but not the Big 12. They miss the shorter drives to the Kansas schools and they miss their annual "hate" game with Oklahoma. But they are in general happy to be away from the Big 12.

The most ridiculous part of this article is it claims Nebraska wants into the B12 despite Oklahoma leaving. There is a tiny tiny tiny chance they'd return if OU was there, but absolutely zero if OU is gone.

The most ridiculous part of this article is it claims Nebraska wants into the B12 despite Oklahoma leaving. There is a tiny tiny tiny chance they'd return if OU was there, but absolutely zero if OU is gone.


alright cool we agree this is a fake dog**** article can we close this thread now?

Why should Nebraska go back to the Big XII when perhaps OU and KU could be headed our way a few years down the road when the grant of rights expires.

I have very bizzare sleep habits.

I remember the Maryland payment. I think that was understandable...but if I'm NE I'd have to wonder how they can pay that and then only pay us a partial cut. Isn't thay why we got NE instead of Mizzou?

1. When I searched for the answer for your question found out that's what many NE fans were also wondering. University of Nebraska Chancellor Harvey Perlman did a nice job explaining why the payments were different, but don't think many fans were very happy with it anyway. Their view of what NE brought to the Big Ten seems to be a bit skewed.

2. If I remember correctly, the main reason Missouri didn't get the offer ( and they were begging to get in)the Big Ten didn't think the Tigers could bring as many viewers, and therefore TV money, that the Cornhuskers could. NE certainly had way more nationwide "cachet" then MO did. The Tigers then got that SEC bid so it worked out for them too.

Ha, let them go. They are a shell of their former selves and havent challenged for the conference champ anyway. They are pretty much on par with the gophers and would be forgetable if they do leave.

Once you join the B!G 1(4) don't just leave...except in a Pine Box.

If there is anything to this, go poach Mizzou from the SEC. I think they may feel the same about their move as Nebraska does, and they always made far more sense. Might have to put MI/MSU in the West and Purdue/NW in the East.

The guy clearly looking for some attention. Nebraska doesn't want to leave the B1G. On the off chance they do, they'd be fools.

But as long as this realignment/expansion stuff is out of the bag (sigh), we'll be glad take Oklahoma (FB, BB) and Kansas (BB) off their hands. We'd then have nice & tidy East/West divisions for football:

1 Indiana
2 Maryland
3 Michigan
4 Michigan State
5 Ohio State
6 Penn State
7 Purdue
8 Rutgers

1 Illinois
2 Iowa
3 Kansas
4 Minnesota
5 Nebraska
6 Northwestern
7 Oklahoma
8 Wisconsin

The guy clearly looking for some attention. Nebraska doesn't want to leave the B1G. On the off chance they do, they'd be fools.

But as long as this realignment/expansion stuff is out of the bag (sigh), we'll be glad take Oklahoma (FB, BB) and Kansas (BB) off their hands. We'd then have nice & tidy East/West divisions for football:

Gotta wonder if the Legislatures in Kansas and Oklahoma would allow Oklahoma and Kansas to leave for the Big Ten without taking Oklahoma State and Kansas State with them. Or at least having a solid landing place for them, and not the gutted Big 12 either.

The Texas/Texas AM split made sense. The Aggies wanted to go to the SEC. Can't see K-State or Okie-State being happy about being left behind.

Gotta wonder if the Legislatures in Kansas and Oklahoma would allow Oklahoma and Kansas to leave for the Big Ten without taking Oklahoma State and Kansas State with them. Or at least having a solid landing place for them, and not the gutted Big 12 either.

The Texas/Texas AM split made sense. The Aggies wanted to go to the SEC. Can't see K-State or Okie-State being happy about being left behind.

Good point. I forget none of this ever gonna' be nice & tidy. I'll take about anyone to get Kansas added to B1G's basketball stable!

Nebraska is undefeated.....proving their assertion that they would come into the Big Ten and dominate. They're ready to go play with the big dogs now. :cool:

I'd hate to see Nebraska leave. I think they're a beautiful fit with the Big Ten. I also think it would make more sense for them to welcome Oklahoma to the Big Ten than to trade places with Oklahoma.

But it's all out of my hands; they'll do what they'll do and I am content just being a Gophers fan.

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