Nebraska stands alone

Pick any time frame you want too. I first said 10-20 years. You said maybe 20. I went back to when fleck started.

I’m not pretending there is a massive gap in any of those 4 teams btw…

Just that I thought Nebraska was as close to MN as MN was to Iowa/Wisconsin. Which if you use the last 5 years is not accurate.

Was not sure on the timeframe that’s all
In the constantly shifting landscape that is college football it doesn't really accomplish much to look all that far back. Teams go up and down and in our case there was a pretty long period where the program was a joke and well behind the likes of Wisconsin and Iowa.

It was not all that long ago that there was a clear talent gap between the players we were bringing in and the ones that Wisconsin and Iowa were landing most years. That gap has been erased and all 3 programs are on a similar footing in the new look Big Ten and college football as a whole.

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