Name the Theme of this year's season!


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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...I'm pretty sure good news does not fit with this season's theme.
I laughed when I read this, as it does seem that years have themes. So I invite you to give a title to this year. My first offering in keeping w/bga's post:
No News is Good News

We'll vote on the best one, and the winner gets their picture on the Jumbotron at the Barn with Gopherlady...

Gopher Basketball 2010: A whole new meaning to "Suit Up"

I wish the court was in session, then maybe we'd have it figured out by now, haha...

how about: "when push comes to shove"

Unfinished Business

Intended to be a multiple reference to the team's unmet potential as well as the team's inability to close games or court cases.

Two words sum up this season so far:


Go Gophers!!

I laughed when I read this, as it does seem that years have themes. So I invite you to give a title to this year. My first offering in keeping w/bga's post:
No News is Good News

We'll vote on the best one, and the winner gets their picture on the Jumbotron at the Barn with Gopherlady...

"if we did not have bad luck we would have no luck"
"whats Fin next??"
"you tube"
"myron tweets"

i could keep going, but it is kind of depresssing

"1981 Redux"

That's my silver lining, anyway. The 1980-81 team was coming off a trip to the NIT Final, losing to Ralph Sampson, back when the NIT meant at least something. Although they had lost McHale to graduation, the 1978 recruiting class, #1 in the nation, were juniors. Great things were expected.

They took a step backward. Four overtime losses left the Gophers at a very disappointing 19-11, 9-9 and a fifth-place tie, which wasn't good enough for the NCAA tournament (48 teams at the time). Lost in the NIT quarterfinal. Fans began questioning the highly touted recruits and Jim Dutcher.

BUT, the tough losses and lessons helped pave the way to our last (official) conference championship in 1982.

"Throwing it all way", Genesis

A season of great promise turns into a home NIT game.

And Then There Were 9...

sorry Devron, its hard to remember you see the floor.

Moonlight, I like "You May Approach the Bench", lol

If you want a literary theme, I would offer the following:

Great Expectations (Dickens)


Much Ado About Nothing (Shakespeare)

Both themes get to the heart of the matter for us diehard fans - we went into the season with thougts of contending for a Big 10 title and a possible NCAA tourney run only to have our hopes dashed both on and off the court.

""The harder I try to be gooder, the worser I am.""

OMG! I don't think I've ever laughed so loud, outloud, at a thread. You people are hilarious - I can't even submit an entry, I am not this creative.

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