Myron Tweet: U spokesman: "Royce White's status is unchanged.


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Nov 17, 2008
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U spokesman: "Royce White's status is unchanged.

and one from the Pioneer Press: A Gophers spokesman said White is still suspended indefinitely. There's no change in his status as of now.

For Royce's sake I hope he stays enrolled at the U, even if he never sees the court. He clearly has issues, and if they are going to ever get figured out, I'd think a place like the U would have the resources to help him get his life back on track. Obviously his actions dictate what happens to him, but I would hate to think of what he would be up to without basketball or at some junior college with no real supervision.

At this point, I'd love to see him on the court, but I'd be just as happy if he was gone. Is that strange?

For Royce's sake I hope he stays enrolled at the U, even if he never sees the court. He clearly has issues, and if they are going to ever get figured out, I'd think a place like the U would have the resources to help him get his life back on track. Obviously his actions dictate what happens to him, but I would hate to think of what he would be up to without basketball or at some junior college with no real supervision.

Are you suggesting giving him $100 to go to the MOA or a laptop (allegedly)? What does a university offer to curb criminal activity?

What Else Happened?

Something else must have happened. I wonder if there was a tantrum of sorts when Royce found out he really wasn't going to play last night.

I thought I remember reading Tubby wanted to meet with Royce's family first?

There isn't anything to dropping a player from the program. At Royce's age he's considered an adult. His mother, grandfather, or fairy god mother for that fact, have no say in anything. Actually, Tubby doesn't even have to speak with them. At all. It's a simple form indicating his withdrawl from the program and a directive indicating whether they will still cover his tuition. Because if they can get to sign that he quits, legally, they can recover the money from his tuition this fall.

Provided Tubby does want to meet with the family it shows that he's a pretty straight guy. He could hide behind the FERPA laws and not say a word if he wanted. It sucks, but that's the way it is.

I bet Royce is more than suspended and he's an inch away from some of what I wrote. More than likely there are serious conditions to his returning to the team. If they aren't met, he's gone. The U can really bone him if they want by not allowing him to transfer, take a redshirt, demanding scholarship money back, etc.

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