Myron Medcalf: "I don't care what Minnesota fans think"

El Amin Fan

Well-known member
Jul 23, 2012
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In general, I get a little annoyed with all the reporter/columnist/radio personality bashing that always seems to be part of the conversation on this site. However, this guy genuinely does seem to have an anti-MN slant regardless of the story. Am I missing part of the story here? He's not required to be a homer because he lives here, but what happened?

He's not required to be a homer. But I've never seen a beat writer be so openly hostile to the team he covers/used to cover. It's ridiculous. In addition to him being a poor excuse for a writer and having generally awful takes, he supplemented it by not even containing his disdain for the program. We don't care what you think either, Myron. The Star Tribune and ESPN hiring you is a bigger mystery than MN hiring Tim Brewster.

The only way to get rid of a bum is to promote him.

Is that all? Geez, people need to get a life if they get all bent out of shape over something this trivial (and true). Would be no different than saying he could win at Memphis, or Vandy compared to Minnesota. Easier conferences, better facilities, easier to recruit. No brainer.

What did he say that has people upset?

Minnesota/Minneapolis produces less talent than Knoxville. Whatever you say Myron.

In the rare instance MN does produce talent it goes elsewhere (true currently but not always.)

MN 'hasn't won in 25 years' versus Tennessee's cheating coach which apparently counts.

MN facilities are 'awful.'

He never misses an opportunity to crap on MN, but I've never seen him give this type of criticism to any other school while at ESPN. It's pathetic.

Is that all? Geez, people need to get a life if they get all bent out of shape over something this trivial (and true). Would be no different than saying he could win at Memphis, or Vandy compared to Minnesota. Easier conferences, better facilities, easier to recruit. No brainer.

For me it's not even just this one comment. Moron's MO has always been to take shots at MN.

You could ask him who's going to the final four this year and he'd probably say, well not Minnesota. That cold. Those facilities. Not happening. Just randomly, unnecessarily throws shots at MN whenever he can. It's pathetic.

Is that all? Geez, people need to get a life if they get all bent out of shape over something this trivial (and true). Would be no different than saying he could win at Memphis, or Vandy compared to Minnesota. Easier conferences, better facilities, easier to recruit. No brainer.

He seems pretty bitter towards the Gophers basketball program... maybe something's there, who knows. He certainly does not ever go out of his way to say anything positive about the program. You'd think a guy that used to cover the team and is local would at least mention them once in awhile in a positive light..

On the overall spectrum too, I find it funny many people dog the Minnesota program yet Pitino's this super hot name on the coaching market... so the job sucks and is holding him back or he took a job that Tubby was coasting with and now we're seeing the result.... Pitino has a really, really good class coming in which proves you CAN recruit good players here. Imagine had he had another scholarship available last fall, he'd have Illikainen too. #fabfive

I guess. I usually do not read anything Myron writes, so there is probably more to it than his comment about the Vols job.

I guess. I usually do not read anything Myron writes, so there is probably more to it than his comment about the Vols job.

I couldn't care much less about what he writes now; I've never really looked at it. When he was on the Gophers, he was terrible. Absolutely worthless, not to mention plenty of love for the Badgers in his articles (if I'm not mistaken, he's from Madison? Someone correct me). His need to always identify himself as Myron "P" Medcalf, always made me laugh, like there's a lot of other Myron Medcalf's running around that he needs to differentiate himself from.

Terrible writer, terrible beat writer, good riddance.

There are a lot of lazy hacks out there masquerading as sports writers. Some like Reusse who are legitimately clever writers, if not knowledgeable ones and can get away with it. Myron does not fit in that category. I would be okay with him as a critic if he knew what he was talking about. He doesn't.

How convenient. Most Minnesota fans don't care what Myron thinks.

Dr.Don: I Don't Care What Myron P. Medcalf Says...

He's still an a $$ hole.

If I was BAMM I'd be mad too if I was an affirmative action hire at every stop. Certainly isn't getting hired based on talent

Now if we can only find someone to hire Neal Justin away from the Variety section...

Well Myron, I guess it's good to know that the feeling is mutual.

Doc, you are getting GopherLady mad. Were they not best friends?
As one of Gopherlady's friends, I'll address this.
As a member of the media, Gopherlady understands that following a team and being a beat writer and trying to get everything right can be a difficult job, and so she has warm, friendly relationships with all the writers, including Myron when he was here. She is a warm, friendly person.
She is also a smart person so I'm sure she won't be baited by your silly comment.

Personally, my opinion (not speaking at all for GL) is that Myron looks foolish responding to criticism from a former job's fan base. It makes him look guilty as charged. If he has bad feelings about how he was treated during his on-the-job training while he was here, then he is amazingly thin-skinned and unable to be reasonably unbiased in his focus on his job.

He's not required to be a homer. But I've never seen a beat writer be so openly hostile to the team he covers/used to cover. It's ridiculous. In addition to him being a poor excuse for a writer and having generally awful takes, he supplemented it by not even containing his disdain for the program. We don't care what you think either, Myron. The Star Tribune and ESPN hiring you is a bigger mystery than MN hiring Tim Brewster.

This. He's a total jackass.

If you have to tell everyone how you "don't care" what someone or some groups thinks, it's probably because you do. I'm amazed at how even some of the best journalists out there can get pulled into twitter wars with fans. With someone of Medcalf's average to below average skills, it's not surprise he has to tell us "he doesn't care."

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