Schnoods about 10 days ago I gave a brief rundown of the progress of this team. You claim that "there's alot to suggest the team is better. And little to suggest it isn't." Rhetoric aside, what specifically are you referring to? You claim that anyone who makes a contrary analysis is wearing blinders; yet I have identified the issues that I see with this program and could claim that it is the apologists who are bridled to the Brewster buggy. Are there good things in this program? Yes. Are there enough good things? No. 6-6 three years in is not enough, and the method with which we reached 6-6 is even worse. I am a realist and do believe that we have to give Brew one more year, due to the fact that if we canned him now we would seriously hamstring any future ability to get a proven coach.
ST's = Very good
Defense = continued improvement despit DC change.
Recruiting = very good
Offense = sucks
That's 3 out of four positive against one negative.
those are the four most important things IMHO.
And we made the overall improvement playing the toughest schedule we've probably had in over twenty years. Our sangarin SOS ranking is twice as low as the next big ten team.
Oustide of the offense, the team is better over last year. And as sad as it is to say, if you consider the Big Ten results (which you should in this case) we are actually probably a little better year over year on offense. Through my strength of team analysis which I've posted several times now, we've achieved exactly to the level of this team. Which means Brew is able to coach at least to the level of his teams talent. If the level of his teams talent continues to rise, so should the results.
He can't get to success with the current offensive performance. If it doesn't improve he will not get results equal to or better than the talent level of his team. Until then, he's coaching well, and recruiting great. That my friend is why i remain positive. When he pulls a weiss and proves he can't coach to his teams talent level, we need to find a better coach. If he pulls a Mason and can't recruit to a level that will get us where he needs to go then we need to find one that can. That hasn't happened yet.
On top of all this, the biggest factor that should shut all you fire Brewster types up, is that no matter what eventually happens the team is better off with another year of Brewster regardless as his teams performance continues to improve. Despite whether Brewster is eventually at the helm when we hit greatness, he's assembled the talent. The next guy if need be, walks into a situation closer to a rose bowl since a time before some of you negative nellies were born.
But don't be a ninny, and hear that I think all is roses. I'm only saying the program is improved and still headed in the right direction. I'm not making a statement about the future of Brewster career, only about the present.