My Opinions....

Gotta call you out on a few points here.

The team is getting better, just not good enough to win games yet. The performance on Sat was better than the one against SD. There are bright spots, the W-L column is not one of them.QUOTE]

this is a completely false statement speaking from a statiscial standpoint.

against South Dakota Total Yards Minnesota +18
Rushing Yards Minnesota +112
Passing Yards Minnesota -94

against Wisconson Total Yards Minnesota -128
Rushing Yards Minnesota -154
Passing Yards Minnesota +26

I see no improvement based on the stats and the only reason the Gophers were on the plus side in passing against Wisconsin was because of the stats at garbage time. The thought that the team overall is improving as the season goes on and the performance was better is just not true based on the stats.

Gopher Fans

I have been a season ticket holder for three years now since I graduated the U. I am as passionate about Gopher Football as they come. Also, I still believe in Coach Brewster(as much as I shouldn't say that). I feel that with the recruits that Coach Brew has recruited and currently commited, the O-Line in particular, are the best ways to build up your college program. This, in my opinion, has been the high point of his recruiting and has been largely going unnoticed. Also, the o-line coaches have done a great job as far as coaching the O-Line around pass protection as well. I know it is tough to swallow, simply because the W's are not there, but I do agree with Coach Brew that in some of the games this year there are just a few plays that really could have changed the outcome of the game. But, again, that all comes down to discipline and coaching.

I don't believe that recognizing poor coaching and desiring improvement is inconsistent with being a fan. On the contrary, I believe that a fan should want the coach and the program to improve and may (not must, but may) make that desire known. This does not include booing the players. The players are college kids, and not adults or professional athletes, and should be treated as such. That may be a quaint or naive notion, but I have lots of gray hair and tend to be a little quaint and naive.

I also don't believe that expressing frustration is inconsistent with being a fan. A fan can be honest. Saying that something is good when it isn't shouldn't mean that one is not a fan.

I believe that a coaching change is necessary, but I will be cheering for the team to win for the rest of this season, and for the seasons to come.

The team underperformed last year, but it certainly wasn't bad enough for legitimate hot seat talk. A bad year this year would have been only 4 or 5 wins. Maybe this team finds a way to sneak-up on someone. But even if the final mark is going to be 2-10 or 3-9, it is crystal-clear that this coach will never bring this program even close to the not-so-dizzying heights that Glen Mason had it at consistently while playing in the worst facility in FBS.

Mason was a very tough coach to replace (wheather people want to aknowledge that fact or not). But at this point, the program absolutely needs someone like Glen Mason circa 1996-1997. We need an experienced BCS-conference coach that will field a team that will generally have even-odds against Iowa, Wisconsin and Nebraska within a couple of seasons.

I don't believe that recognizing poor coaching and desiring improvement is inconsistent with being a fan. On the contrary, I believe that a fan should want the coach and the program to improve and may (not must, but may) make that desire known. This does not include booing the players. The players are college kids, and not adults or professional athletes, and should be treated as such. That may be a quaint or naive notion, but I have lots of gray hair and tend to be a little quaint and naive.

I also don't believe that expressing frustration is inconsistent with being a fan. A fan can be honest. Saying that something is good when it isn't shouldn't mean that one is not a fan.

I believe that a coaching change is necessary, but I will be cheering for the team to win for the rest of this season, and for the seasons to come.

I agree with what you are saying and do not agree with booing. However, college kids by definition are adults and should be treated as such. My point is that they are also responsible to the state of the program and should not be given a free pass.

Thanks Ogee, this gives an idea, but would be nice to see if this is the majority of feeling in the locker room. What hits the paper is not always the majority feeling.

Mason was a very tough coach to replace (wheather people want to aknowledge that fact or not). But at this point, the program absolutely needs someone like Glen Mason circa 1996-1997. We need an experienced BCS-conference coach that will field a team that will generally have even-odds against Iowa, Wisconsin and Nebraska within a couple of seasons.

Glen Mason was 2-8 against WI, 4-6 against IA, and 1-7 against MI. I wouldn't call that even-odds. If two tied for 4th finishes in a 10 year period is tough to replace just shut down the football program now.

You can't be for the team and against the coach.

If you're rooting for the coach to fail, you're rooting for the team to fail. Period.

Exactly. The "we support the team but not the coach" logic is fundamentally impossible.

I see no improvement based on the stats and the only reason the Gophers were on the plus side in passing against Wisconsin was because of the stats at garbage time. The thought that the team overall is improving as the season goes on and the performance was better is just not true based on the stats.

There really wasn't any garbage time against Wisc. I don't think there is such a thing anyway's but whatever.

You can't be for the team and against the coach.

If you're rooting for the coach to fail, you're rooting for the team to fail. Period.

I feel Tim Brewster is a Cancer to the team right now...I was a Gopher Fan before Brew & I will be after but it's clear he's hurting this program more then he's helping & if you can't see that then you must like the Gophers being the joke of the Big Ten...

You don't "deserve" any thing as a fan. You pay for entertainment. The players and coaches, the people who put the hard work and dedication, are the ones who deserve better. Maybe you should get over yourself.

Spot on. But is it unfair to ask to be entertained once in a while? This crapola season isn't entertaining nor what I paid for. In order for me to support any athletic team, they need to be respectable on the field and actually compete against their peers. USD is not and never should be a peer. Which makes me wonder, is it a lack of hard work???

Thanks Ogee, this gives an idea, but would be nice to see if this is the majority of feeling in the locker room. What hits the paper is not always the majority feeling.

This is not meant to be a knock on the players but the players have not performed well, especially on D. Sure some are green and will improve with more PT. The players own this record with the coaches as there have been many missed tackles, blown assignments, dropped balls, penalties, etc.

The thing that I watch for is the guys to put it together similar to the second quarter against Wisky. I would not be surprised to see it against PU.

From what I have read Coach Brewster is trying to build on the positives. Make a better play here, a better play there, etc. I wonder what the outcome of the Wisky game would have been IF Weber would have had a career day? I would guess the guys all know they need to play better. Its obvious this is not all on Coach Brewster.

I feel Tim Brewster is a Cancer to the team right now...

Good grief. The guy has until at least December, regardless. Let him coach, and let the season play out. No need to rub it in. :(

I feel Tim Brewster is a Cancer to the team right now...I was a Gopher Fan before Brew & I will be after but it's clear he's hurting this program more then he's helping & if you can't see that then you must like the Gophers being the joke of the Big Ten...

Please show me where I even insinuated anything you're suggesting.

You can think Brewster is the wrong guy and still root for him to overcome that and succeed. It is possible. It takes some nuance (big word, I know - look it up), which you are likely not capable of.

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