My interesting talk with Brewster.


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Nov 12, 2008
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My daughter, son-in-law and two grandchildren are up from Florida for the week-end for a visit and will take in the lucheon tomorrow noon and the game on Saturday. My Son-in-law went to Florida State and obviously a big FS and Bobby Bowdon fan.

We were at Sensor's this evening and Coach Brewster came over and talked with us.

He told us that his goal at Minnesota is to do the same as Bobby Bowdon did for Florida State and that is to bring Minnesota up to being a National power year after year. Not with a bunch of "ups" and "downs" either.

Dave my Son-in-law who follows the Gophers closely stated that he sees more Gopher games on TV in Florida than either Florida or Florida State. We have been on national TV almost every week-end and it appears that this could be the norm. It appears that the B10 tie in with ABC, ESPN and the B-10 network (all part of the ABC umbrella) is good.

re TV...same here in the East...great weekly coverage...excellent exposure for recruiting!

I hope Ruesse doesn't get ahold of this. Imagine what he'd do it he thought Brew had aspirations of building a better program. And saying it out loud to someone!!!

I hope Ruesse doesn't get ahold of this. Imagine what he'd do it he thought Brew had aspirations of building a better program. And saying it out loud to someone!!!

i know. how dare coach brewster have lofty aspirations for the gophers football program?! :rolleyes:

Ya I think this is great! National exposure can only be a good thing. Also I've got to start going to Sensors if that's where Brew is hanging out. Any idea if they serve chili?

Well, let's hope Brewster doesn't do EXACTLY the same thing as Bobby Bowden at Florida State.

Free Shoe U??
Peter Warrick and Dillards-gate?
Online Music class?

The Big Ten has had an ESPN contract for about 10 years. There have been at least 4 games a week on national TV for a long time. (Yes, I know the ABC game was regional up until last year.) Exposure is hardly a problem for the Big Ten and has not been for a long time.

BTN probably helps that as well. But also the fact that the Gophers are actually playing on ESPN/2 instead of that ESPNPlus stuff like before helps.

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