MTSU Question- Side-line Reserve Tickets?


Active member
Jan 6, 2009
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So I emailed the ticket office up there and they said side-line reserve tickets were available at 25 a piece. Does this mean all the regular tickets have beens sold? What exactly is side-line reserve tickets? Thanks

It's a 30 hour roundtrip drive or a $300 flight from Minneapolis. Which do you choose?

take the flight

The drive sucks.

FWIW, Phile Steele was on the radio down here yesterday and he expects MTSU to beat the U in the opener. Not really a shocker since he doesn't hold us in the highest regard.

The drive sucks.

FWIW, Phile Steele was on the radio down here yesterday and he expects MTSU to beat the U in the opener. Not really a shocker since he doesn't hold us in the highest regard.

Don't listen to what he says, he molests collies.

FWIW - Vegas will also be predicting a MTSU win.

yup we will get get crushed

just like Bowling green was going to spank us in 09. Remember Bowling green was a lock for a bowl game and their offense was going to shred us. I stand corrected but did we not put 42 points up to their 17? I predict a rough start but Weber and crew will show some poise and score more than we need.

I'd love to have a bash. I get tired of my wife watching half-heartedly as my sole co-spectator.

I appreciate that my wife is remotely tolerant of my gopher fandom.

Throw a bash and invite the whole hole!

My wife grew up in Lincoln and attended UNL. There will be some chilly Saturdays starting next fall.

It's a 30 hour roundtrip drive or a $300 flight from Minneapolis. Which do you choose?

lookin at about five hours from montgomery. probably be the only game I catch all year. in case some didn't already know, mtsu isn't selling tickets til august 2nd. 20 somethin a ticket. hope to see some folks their, I would hate to be the only happy fan in the stadium at the end of the game.

lookin at about five hours from montgomery. probably be the only game I catch all year. in case some didn't already know, mtsu isn't selling tickets til august 2nd. 20 somethin a ticket. hope to see some folks their, I would hate to be the only happy fan in the stadium at the end of the game.


Make sure to stay in Nashville. As it's about 25 min away from MTSU without traffic, 45 or so with. That way you'll have more to do after the game. Buy yourself a cowboy hat, and some *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# kickers like all of the other tourist, who think that they're doing a good job of "blending in." Tailgating at MT is not bad, the Stadium seats around 35,000 - I think. As far as atmosphere though, Nashville is more fun, since Mufreesboro is more of a college town.

Yes, make sure to stay in Nashville. As it's about 25 min away from MTSU without traffic, 45 or so with.

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