MSU Game at 2:30pm on the 24th.


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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Just posted by ESPN. Looks like it is on Big Ten Network.

Hell yeah. Our only B1G wins this year have come from 2:30 starts!

Hell, I don't think we have won a 11am game in the Big Ten for a couple of years.

Purdue on Oct 10, 2009 was our last 11am Big Ten Victory. Crazy.

Zero excuse for fans not to show up now. Plenty of time to make it back from Holiday gatherings and to get stuff done Saturday morning. This team deserves a well attended crowd.

Realistically the Michigan State game won't draw. Many students will be away from campus due to the holiday. Most casual fans have finished with Gopher football for the season. The Spartans have no value as a draw on their own. Regardless of tickets sold, I'm calling about 40,000 through the turnstiles as long as the weather is okay. That said, those 40,000 have the potential to be as loud and enthusiastic as those who attended the 2010 and 2011 Iowa games if the Gophers get off to a decent start and provide something to get excited about.

Could a good vs poor showing against Nebraska affect the attendance for MSU?

Realistically the Michigan State game won't draw. Many students will be away from campus due to the holiday. Most casual fans have finished with Gopher football for the season. The Spartans have no value as a draw on their own. Regardless of tickets sold, I'm calling about 40,000 through the turnstiles as long as the weather is okay. That said, those 40,000 have the potential to be as loud and enthusiastic as those who attended the 2010 and 2011 Iowa games if the Gophers get off to a decent start and provide something to get excited about.

well thanks for educating all of us, sports realist. you know what is real and what is not. we really appreciate your realistic takes on realism. they are just so damn real. keep it real homey. :rolleyes:

well thanks for educating all of us, sports realist. you know what is real and what is not. we really appreciate your realistic takes on realism. they are just so damn real. keep it real homey. :rolleyes:

What if the game isn't real? What will the unreal attendance be? Will the atmosphere inside the stadium be surreal?

What if the game isn't real? What will the unreal attendance be? Will the atmosphere inside the stadium be surreal?

well done sir. you get two power ups and 5 extra lives. just for keeping it real.

I would even wager to say that 40,000 is generous. The 10 dollar tickets may help though.

I would even wager to say that 40,000 is generous. The 10 dollar tickets may help though.

nice. this guy is keeping it even realer than the sports realist. really taking it up a notch. G''s the realziest message board out there. bring your real A game or you have no chance.

I have come to realize that the realization of the real Gopher Fans is that they realize the difference between reality and dreams of reality. :confused:

Sid is real.

I didn't think about the use of realistic and my username when posting, but will take the hazing with good humor. That said, the chance for the Gophers to draw a big home crowd this year has already passed if it even existed at all.

I didn't think about the use of realistic and my username when posting, but will take the hazing with good humor. That said, the chance for the Gophers to draw a big home crowd this year has already passed if it even existed at all.

I must have been imagining that real large crowd at the Syracuse game.

It shows what two months can do. The size of that Syracuse crowd slipped my mind. Nevertheless, it's difficult to imagine as big of a turnout for Michigan State. It'd be great if it happened, but it's pretty unlikely.

They announced 48,801 for the Michigan game, with the stadium holding 50,805 that's a good crowd too. Hope everybody noticed the "announced". Even though that's the way all schools handle attendance figures now, it's my way of keeping it real.

Realists are only pessimists in denial. But if a pessimist is in denial, is he denying he's a pessimist, or denying the pessimism? Does denying the pessimism then make him an optimist--and by extension a full-blown Kool Aid drinker? Holy crap, I'm confused!?!

Wow, this is really keeping it real. What happens when keeping it real goes wrong? Is this even real air that I am breathing?

They announced 48,801 for the Michigan game, with the stadium holding 50,805 that's a good crowd too. Hope everybody noticed the "announced". Even though that's the way all schools handle attendance figures now, it's my way of keeping it real.

Thanks - That was real interesting and you kept it real.

i don't really share this fact with a lot of people, but my favorite show is Real Sports with bryant gumbel. sports and the reality of sports doesn't get any more real than his show. although some here have come really, really close to achieving that kind of realism. keep up the good fight. you will really come to appreciate it......really.

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