More secondary violations while recruiting Seantrel Henderson

Plus ND self reported 1 secondary violation. If it's against the rules for Henderson to talk to Cris Carter during a visit I'm pretty sure it would be a violation for him to party with Bryant McKinnie in a bar on south beach, would it not?

It appears the NCAA did not like being belittled by all the Super Conferences chatter re: the NCAA is no longer needed.
Seems like the NCAA is doing the rattling now.

"When you have a kid that high-profile, the chances of those types of things popping up are much greater," said Chris Rogers, Ohio State's assistant athletic director for compliance. "It's not like it's something that's limited to Ohio State. It happens all the time." might want to dust off that resume. Think, then talk...remind yourself...think, then talk.

Jim Tressel is running a rogue program. He's embarrassing the University with these violations and should be fired.

(That was fun.)

Why does it seem like Seantrell Henderson is a skank and every school that slept with him ended up with chlamydia?

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