More proof Bielema isn't the brightest lightbulb

In the case of the Butthead not being the brightest lightbulb, in his case they haven't even issued a building permit yet.

Lawrence Ross · Top Commenter · Inglewood, California · 652 subscribers

There's a reason why Bret only has one "T" in his name. His parents knew that he wouldn't be able to spell a first name with five letters.

Reply · 9 · · 56 minutes ago

Has there been a Big 10 coach that has been as disliked as BB in recent years? I can't think of any. Even after moving to Arkansas, he's still adding up points in the sludge bucket.

I hope BB wins enough at Arkansas to stay for a while. For some reason, I can't get the thought out of my mind that he would return to the Big 10, at Iowa! It wouldn't be that ridiculous. There would have to be a second verse added to "Who Hates Iowa?"

Has there been a Big 10 coach that has been as disliked as BB in recent years? I can't think of any. Even after moving to Arkansas, he's still adding up points in the sludge bucket.

I hope BB wins enough at Arkansas to stay for a while. For some reason, I can't get the thought out of my mind that he would return to the Big 10, at Iowa! It wouldn't be that ridiculous. There would have to be a second verse added to "Who Hates Iowa?"

I've been predicting this ever since he announced he was leaving for Arkansas. I think he'll be the head coach at Iowa in 3-5 years.

Frank Ragnow, stay in Arkansas pal, you're not good enough for Minnesota. Hopefully you will learn a lot from this iconic coach!

Nice long SI article on Bielema's fall from grace. Too bad this incident happen a month ago.

He is and always was a fraud.
He is and always has been an ahole.
He will be a failure at Arkansas. He will make more boneheaded comments or do more things that embarrass that program before he's gone.

He never built anything at wisky. His defenses were constantly overmatched while Chryst's offenses kept the program grinding over inferior talent including us.

I will enjoy watching such a low class individual fail in the bright spotlight of the SEC, and by the time he's canned Arkansas fans will be ashamed they ever hired him.


Bret's making $5 million a year, married way over his head, and is still getting Minnesota recruits.

I'd say he's doing ok, sounds like sour grapes to me.

With Lane Kiffin now muzzled as a member of Nick Saban's staff at Alabama, Bielema is well on his way to replacing him as college football's most reviled figure.

Go Gophers!!

Yeah, but that's just sour grapes. Like the AD of Cal calling him out must be too. And the articles on virtually every sports website about it must just be sour grapes.

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