More Creative Offense


Active member
Oct 5, 2009
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ok I know that we are supposed to be a pound the rock team, but would it kill them to mix up the play calling a little bit. I know you have to keep the defense honest in stopping the run but dare i say it it seems like this teams strength ( however weak it may be) is in the passing game, most of webers stats come in "garbage time' as you all have been saying when teams know we are going to pass why not try more 3-4 wr sets throughout the game. Granted teams in said 'garbage time' are usually playing prevent it still seems we are able to get big chunks of yards at a time.
I guess it would just make to much sense to use this teams best offensive threats.

At least until we have an offensive line in comparison to wisconsins this year who all seem to be 5 yards up field with their block every run play.

This is just me being sick of failure after failure of converting 3rd and long for endless 3 and outs.

I have the feeling we may see the play calling open up a little vs psu and on. yes Horton said he won't be calling the plays, but the HC does instruct as the what the philosophy will be.

Well I think part of the reason why a 'pound the rock' strategy is being utilized here is because our defense is so poor right now, I mean they're really bad. So you try and keep them off the field just as much as you possibly can, which is why we're ranked right up near the top in time of possession nationally, and that *still* hasn't been enough to overcome just the overall badness of our defense.

So I guess I agree. Why not? It's a lost season anyway, so you may as well treat these remaining games as a time to experiment with things a little bit, shake things up, and hopefully find something that works out a little bit better than it has so far, and something that might work for us in the future.

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