Ok, but for me, this isn't the place to question good or bad science. I'm all for those discussions, I don't think a thread regarding the player's health is really the place to question whether or not his vaccine status contributed. I'm also not following the beat of anything, you have no idea where I stand on any of these issues and you certainly wouldn't find it on this thread. There are a lot of things that are scientifically true that shouldn't be discussed at all times. I don't go up to morbidly obese people eating and tell them that they are killing themselves regardless of how true it is.
Discussion is allowed. However, that also includes critiques on the timing and place of those discussions. I didn't block anyone or try to get them removed from the thread, I simply said it is in poor taste. We all are our arbiters of taste and with open dialogue and discussion also comes critiques of those dialogues.
If someone wants to say that this happened to him because of the vaccine on this thread, go right ahead. However, people will respond by calling you an asshole. That's the price of open discussion . . . critique. And again, you can agree or disagree (like you have) with my critique
Ok, but for me, this isn't the place to question good or bad science. I'm all for those discussions, I don't think a thread regarding the player's health is really the place to question whether or not his vaccine status contributed. I'm also not following the beat of anything, you have no idea where I stand on any of these issues and you certainly wouldn't find it on this thread. There are a lot of things that are scientifically true that shouldn't be discussed at all times. I don't go up to morbidly obese people eating and tell them that they are killing themselves regardless of how true it is.
Discussion is allowed. However, that also includes critiques on the timing and place of those discussions. I didn't block anyone or try to get them removed from the thread, I simply said it is in poor taste. We all are our arbiters of taste and with open dialogue and discussion also comes critiques of those dialogues.
If someone wants to say that this happened to him because of the vaccine on this thread, go right ahead. However, people will respond by calling you an asshole. That's the price of open discussion . . . critique. And again, you can agree or disagree (like you have) with my critique.