I am a fan of both the Vikings and the Gophers, but my wife and I have held season tickets for the Vikings for the last seven years. We usually pick two or three games to attend, and sell the rest. (We only sell our tickets to people we know to be Viking fans.) In my conversations with the regular group I sit next to and/or tailgate with, they are all Gopher fans as well. In fact some hold season tickets to both. So I wouldn't look for wide-spread disrespect from Viking fans. Most of the Vikings fans I know--except the ones down here in the "Tropical Paradise that is Iowa" (LOL!) are loyal to the U. Having said that, Viking fans are already considering this the game of the year. The atmosphere at kick off is going to be insane. I have already received several calls and e-mails inquiring about my tickets--and the Vikes haven't even announced their policy yet. I think this is good for the U.

So if the 'return' on the Vikings moving is that it has no effect for 20 years and then we start to get a few recruits who grew up when the Gophers were 'more beloved' due to no NFL team and we eventually win 2-3 more games would that be an adequate return for you? Would you ship the Vikings to LA, upsetting a significant % of Minnesotans and damaging the state's ecomony all for the return of winning 2-3 more football games 20 years from now? Because that's probably all it will translate to in the W/L column.

So you're saying we could double our number of wins.;)

Its a done deal. They won't be playing in the Dome.

I have only heard them say on the news that they will play at TCF IF the dome is not ready. Watched the news this morning and they said the same thing. Last night they said they are clearing snow from TCF in case the dome will not be ready by monday night. This doesn't sound like a done deal to me. Do you have a link or source or something?

Josh, I really don't hate your opinion, so I won't go so far as to say that. It's just that after all this time I've been on the GH, the "Vikings debate" has come up a half-zillion times -- and you always feel the need to speak up and let everyone know how badly the Vikings need to leave because they are one of the things stopping the Gopher football team from incalculable amounts of success. Obviously, I disagree... but that's not the point. For you, after all the posts and threads on this topic, this seems like a genuine agenda. Agendas are fine, but after all you've said, it seems more like spite than anything.

I bet you would rather people just say "I love the Vikes, so F you!" because that is the shallowest of arguments and one that would seem to suggest that the only reason Gopher fans want the Vikes around is for their own selfish love of them -- not any valid rational argument. You are in the same category, I believe, but on the opposite end of the spectrum. Your incessant devotion to this issue comes off to a lot of us as saying "I hate the Vikes, F you!" Now I know that you will deny this: "But I don't hate the Vikes, I just really love the Gophers, blah, blah, blah." But many on this board have been sick of this argument for a long time because the anti-Vikings side's champion is you, who despite your best efforts, seem to have started from a place of "common sense and reality" but have, at some point crossed the line into being motivated by spite for the Vikings.

I did keep my hypotheticals within the realm of sports and possibility, which is why I purposely didn't ask if you would risk a nuclear WWIII if it meant the Gophers would be stronger, for example. Obviously everyone has a line, and to be honest I'm surprised where yours is. While your one-pointed devotion to the Gophers is quite admirable, it crosses into unreasonable.

It is just as reasonable to think that Iowa and wisconsin dropping football could be more beneficial to the Gophers than the Vikings leaving. Let's say someone on this board took that stance, okay? Now imagine that every time wisconsin or Iowa was brought up, this poster would advocate for the dismantling of those programs, for the U's sake. Ridiculous, right? They would come off as bitter, and motivated by spite, right?

I think so.

I'm definitely not motivated by any spite or any agenda other than my passion for the Gophers. Before I went to college I was the biggest Vikings fan out there - could not care less about the Gophers. I actually watch most of the Vikings games and honestly I don't sit there and cheer for the opponents unless it helps me in fantasy football - but I will also cheer for a Vikings TD in the same vein. I have apathy toward the team, not hatred. If the Vikings were the ONLY thing standing in our way, I might have hatred. But they are not.

Sorry if my posts are bothering people. The problem is that I am in the vast minority on the subject and it makes me stand out in a negative way since most people disagree with me. I understand that relationship and am willing to take the criticism. However, I cannot stop posting my thoughts on the subject, nor should anyone stop disagreeing with me if that is how they feel. That is what a message board is for. I don't ever start threads about the debate - I simply respond when the subject of the pro team is brought up.

Why hasn't the presence of the Gophers hurt the Vikings?

I have only heard them say on the news that they will play at TCF IF the dome is not ready. Watched the news this morning and they said the same thing. Last night they said they are clearing snow from TCF in case the dome will not be ready by monday night. This doesn't sound like a done deal to me. Do you have a link or source or something?

We are committed to playing Monday night's game in Minnesota in front of our fans. With Mall of America Field at the Metrodome now unavailable, we have turned our full attention to the University of Minnesota's TCF Bank Stadium. We have been in close contact with the University and the NFL office since last weekend. Preparation of the stadium is fully underway and University officials have told us they will make every reasonable effort to ensure the stadium will be ready for Monday night. The league office is assisting our staff and the University to ensure the stadium is safe for our fans and meets the primary technical requirements for an NFL game. We appreciate the tremendous cooperation of the University of Minnesota and look forward to completing preparations for the game and turning this into a memorable experience for the State of Minnesota and Vikings fans.
But determined to play their final 2010 home game in Minneapolis, the nomadic Minnesota Vikings said on Tuesday that they will face the Chicago Bears on Monday night at the University of Minnesota's 2-year-old stadium. The game will be played 29 years to the day since the Vikings' last outdoor home contest, a 10-6 loss to Kansas City at Met Stadium in 1981.

Thanks. There has been much conflicting information on where the game will be played. The statement from the U posted on last night said they will have TCF ready in case the dome is not ready but I think I will rely on the vikings statement that it will be played at TCF. I suppose they could change their mind at anytime but at this point it is at TCF. In anycase good for the U and recruiting. Next time I hope they play at TCF much earlier in the season.

So if the 'return' on the Vikings moving is that it has no effect for 20 years and then we start to get a few recruits who grew up when the Gophers were 'more beloved' due to no NFL team and we eventually win 2-3 more games would that be an adequate return for you? Would you ship the Vikings to LA, upsetting a significant % of Minnesotans and damaging the state's ecomony all for the return of winning 2-3 more football games 20 years from now? Because that's probably all it will translate to in the W/L column.

You'd have to give me some concrete numbers on the "damaging the economy" figures in order for me to make a decision, but yes, all things being equal I would still want them to move. I don't have a single care in the world for the Vikings, thus, if they leave it would not bother me one bit, nor does if other people in the state get upset by the team leaving. There are bigger tragedies that happen to people.

I don't get these ridiculous scenario debates. Should I have not wanted TCF Bank Stadium built? I'm sure there was some negative consequence that happened to individuals in this state because it was built. Should I stop shopping at the big box retailers and only shop at mom and pop stores because they need the help? Wait, what if people suddenly change and more people start shopping at the mom and pop stores? Do I go back to the big box retailers? If you start playing that game you might as well never do anything and just sit at home, because everything you do in some way has a small impact on others around you.

Just saw on the espn crawler that... "the Vikings will be allowed to use the University of Minnesota stadium if it passes NFL inspection".

This seems to be more of a formality. I am sure TCF goes above and beyond the NFL's criteria for a stadium being able to host a game.

The game will be at TCF Bank Stadium. That is for sure.

Sorry if my posts are bothering people. The problem is that I am in the vast minority on the subject and it makes me stand out in a negative way since most people disagree with me. I understand that relationship and am willing to take the criticism. However, I cannot stop posting my thoughts on the subject, nor should anyone stop disagreeing with me if that is how they feel. That is what a message board is for. I don't ever start threads about the debate - I simply respond when the subject of the pro team is brought up.

You don't have to be sorry. Like you said, it's a message board and who am I to tell someone to shut up about something? I probably was wrong to call you out on it.

It's just really old by now, with all the frustration surrounding Gopher Football, that all we can do is point fingers at different things and say "these are the things that are wrong." By blaming the AD, coaches, players, students, boosters, former punters, pro teams, weather, the ticket office, etc, etc... we just look ridiculous. I just feel like all that finger pointing is worse than unproductive: it's quite a negative.

Again, sorry for venting at you. :eek: If the Vikings do end up leaving, I hope to hell you were absolutely right about them being a hindrance to Gopher Football.

They were ALL Gopher fans when Mason went 10-3, when Brewster was 7-1, for three quarters of the Friday night Michigan game...:banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:

No, they weren't, they were bandwagon jumpers. The Vikings are having a horrible year, but people still watch the games and fill the stadium (a couple of near-blackouts not withstanding). When the Gophers succeed there is definitely excitement from the "dual fans" but as soon as we lose (Michigan 2003) it's "Same old Gophers!" and a half-empty stadium. Even if someone says they are a fan of both, ticket sales say otherwise. We don't have the same fan retention in down times. Part of it is the Vikings can still be in the playoff hunt at 8-8 because their division sucks, so there is excitement for more of the season.

You don't have to be sorry. Like you said, it's a message board and who am I to tell someone to shut up about something? I probably was wrong to call you out on it.

It's just really old by now, with all the frustration surrounding Gopher Football, that all we can do is point fingers at different things and say "these are the things that are wrong." By blaming the AD, coaches, players, students, boosters, former punters, pro teams, weather, the ticket office, etc, etc... we just look ridiculous. I just feel like all that finger pointing is worse than unproductive: it's quite a negative.

Again, sorry for venting at you. :eek: If the Vikings do end up leaving, I hope to hell you were absolutely right about them being a hindrance to Gopher Football.

It is definitely more prevalent this year because of the team's struggles. People are upset and searching for answers and subsequently there have been a lot more fervent debates this fall. It goes with the territory. At the end of the day, almost all of us are here for the same reason.

This seems to be more of a formality. I am sure TCF goes above and beyond the NFL's criteria for a stadium being able to host a game.

I'm guessing this has to do with field conditions and the like. Obviously the quality of the facility is not in doubt.

Even if someone says they are a fan of both, ticket sales say otherwise.

It says no such thing. Most of the people sitting in the stands at TCF for Gophers games are either watching the Vikings in person or on TV.

This seems to be more of a formality. I am sure TCF goes above and beyond the NFL's criteria for a stadium being able to host a game.

One thing could be the turf. It's been under snow for awhile now and is not heated. Today's NFL player is not used to playing on frozen turf.

Unless there is no running water or the fire exits are snowed over or something weird.

That really isn't a reflection on the stadium quality, just the quality of the un-winterization process. But yea, that's the sort of thing I'm referring to. Basically the NFL will sign off on if the quick turnaround from winterized to gameday meets their standards.

It says no such thing. Most of the people sitting in the stands at TCF for Gophers games are either watching the Vikings in person or on TV.

You missed the point of my comment. I'm not talking about the people that ARE at TCF and also watching the Vikings (those are the good guys), I'm talking about the people that AREN'T at TCF. What I was saying is that a "fan" supports their team even when they're having a rough year. The Vikings are having a rough year yet they still have butts in seats. The Gophers had a rough year and TCF was a ghost town. So everyone at the Vikings game is either a) not a Gopher fan or b) says they are a fan of both, but really aren't.

Can we get an official stickied thread titled "Josh087's Official Anti-Vikings Thread", where Josh087 can go vent every time he wants to bring up the topic of how much better Gopher football would be without the Vikings? Right now his comments on the Vikings kill threads and turn them into a circular debate.

I wonder how many Viking fans will discover the bar scene around TCF is better than the one bar that is located near the Metrodome? I also wonder how many people will be seeing TCF Bank Stadium from the inside for the first time?

I wonder how many Viking fans will discover the bar scene around TCF is better than the one bar that is located near the Metrodome? I also wonder how many people will be seeing TCF Bank Stadium from the inside for the first time?

Maybe Gruden will regret not being interested in the Gopher job after seeing the TCF digs.

You missed the point of my comment. I'm not talking about the people that ARE at TCF and also watching the Vikings (those are the good guys), I'm talking about the people that AREN'T at TCF. What I was saying is that a "fan" supports their team even when they're having a rough year. The Vikings are having a rough year yet they still have butts in seats. The Gophers had a rough year and TCF was a ghost town. So everyone at the Vikings game is either a) not a Gopher fan or b) says they are a fan of both, but really aren't.

To be a fan of both does not imply having season tickets to both.

To be a fan of both does not imply having season tickets to both.

My god, you're splitting hairs now! OK, there are different degrees of fanhood. There may be some people who are "I go to games all of the games" level Viking fans and "I check the score on Sunday morning and will go to a game when they are good" level Gopher fans. You can say that's a fan of both, but to me it isn't.

My god, you're splitting hairs now! OK, there are different degrees of fanhood. There may be some people who are "I go to games all of the games" level Viking fans and "I check the score on Sunday morning and will go to a game when they are good" level Gopher fans. You can say that's a fan of both, but to me it isn't.

I am not splitting hairs. Merely correcting gross distortions.

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