MN Daily: U brings in $900K in alcohol sales at TCF; nearly doubling projected totals

Just wait until the BADger fans roll in to town next year, that number will be made that game day alone. Only problem is then you have drunken, arrogant fans who could possibly lose the game and grow beer muscles afterwards while claiming the final score was the fault of the referees.

During the season there was a quote in the newspaper by someone in the AD that they expect sales to increase significantly next year when Iowa, Nebraska and Wisconsin come to town because their fanbases are well-known for their "heavy drinking." I bet the Wisconsin game will be at least close to twice the average.

The 7,000 beers per game projection was obviously insanely low (and a number of us pointed that out before the season began). However, it made the story better from the U's standpoint.

I think we'll see even more point of sale locations in 2013 and a rise in the total sales due partly to the fans becoming more knowledgeable about the offerings and process.

Wouldn't surprise me to see sales near Gates B, C, D, etc.

Anyone seen estimates of the financial impact on the beer sales (i.e., of the $900k, what does the U see after the vendor(s), distributor, additional staff, security, etc.)?

Anyone seen estimates of the financial impact on the beer sales (i.e., of the $900k, what does the U see after the vendor(s), distributor, additional staff, security, etc.)?
Per the article, they'll have the net revenue figures in a couple of weeks.

The University is working on a budget report on the stadium’s alcohol sales factoring in expenses, which associate athletics director Scott Ellison said should be finished within the next few weeks.

Serve it anywhere with vendors. Bring on Wally the Beerman and GopherIt.

Just wait until the BADger fans roll in to town next year, that number will be made that game day alone. Only problem is then you have drunken, arrogant fans who could possibly lose the game and grow beer muscles afterwards while claiming the final score was the fault of the referees.

I was going to say the same thing. When the Jerkeyes and Becky roll into town, the U will make that during those two games alone.

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