MN daily and scalping

212 & 213

So far NO seats for sale in 212 and 213!:D

Go Gophers! Beat NU and then Trounce Bucky!

Everyone. Look for yourself instead of whining. Welcome to the REAL world of CFB Minnesota!

WI @ MN-148 tickets; MN @ Iowa-303; Iowa @OSU-490; Purdue @ WI-331; Michigan @ MSU-283
Michigan @ WI-295 and on and on..........just like the complaining.

i believe he was talking about my post which was about how there arent student section seating going for 100 exceot 1 or 2 no one was whining except maybe you trying to jump on people?

I am capable of it, just chose not to with you, you're smug and annoying.

The only people on here that shoot back at me are you and trolls (I guess thats kind of redundant); whereas 80% of the people that post on this board tell you where to stick your views.[/QUOTE

You use vulgar language in most of your posts and it is not necessary. If you used this language in responses to me only that would be one thing but you don't. I love how you like to call me a troll just because I question Brewster. It is also funny that you consider yourself more of a fan than many on here, even though you could never get off your couch before this season to go a few miles and support the gophers simply because you didn't like the dome. Most fans would not let the venue stop them from rooting on the team they like. However. I have digressed from the main point which is please have some dignity and respect for the board and watch the language.

Personally I think this is much worse than scalping Vikings tickets.

Pro athletes play for money. They don't care who is in the stands as long as someone is and their ass is getting paid. College athletes may be playing mostly for themselves, but they also chose to represent a school and its fan base without direct monetary payment. To turn your backs on them like that is really unfortunate.

And yes, student tickets especially. I'm very lucky to be getting both a salary from the University and being able to buy my tickets at a discounted price. If I were unable to attend a game I would just give them to a friend. Anything more than that is immoral to me.

It's true too many MN folks could care less about sports...they're are people I know who have told me they would rather go rake leaves than watch FB...WTF!!!!! and I've met many like them. idk MN sports base just sucks in many stoner hippies.
I smoke pot, like art, rake my leaves, and like sports. Learn to think for yourself.

i believe he was talking about my post which was about how there arent student section seating going for 100 exceot 1 or 2 no one was whining except maybe you trying to jump on people?

If you read my post, it was addressed to "everyone" and not "he".

I reported the facts. This thread is full of posters who are dismayed, angry and,yes, even whining that Minnesota people would actually sell their ducats to the highest bidder. Its a common occurance in CFB, something Gopher fans are not accustomed too.

So who is doing the "jump on people"?

I am capable of it, just chose not to with you, you're smug and annoying.

The only people on here that shoot back at me are you and trolls (I guess thats kind of redundant); whereas 80% of the people that post on this board tell you where to stick your views.[/QUOTE

You use vulgar language in most of your posts and it is not necessary. If you used this language in responses to me only that would be one thing but you don't. I love how you like to call me a troll just because I question Brewster. It is also funny that you consider yourself more of a fan than many on here, even though you could never get off your couch before this season to go a few miles and support the gophers simply because you didn't like the dome. Most fans would not let the venue stop them from rooting on the team they like. However. I have digressed from the main point which is please have some dignity and respect for the board and watch the language.

You kill me, do you say this stuff with a straight face????

1) when have I ever said I consider myself more of a fan than many??? If me considering myself more of a fan is because I back the team and don't make snide comments about them in every post I write, then sure, I guess I consider myself more of a fan :rolleyes:

2) again, I never lived within 4 hrs of the cities to attend a game, sorry I didn't build my weekends around Gopher games at the Metrodome when I first moved here, how silly of me, that should obviously have been #1 on my list :eek:

3) quit trying to act all high and mighty, your snide and smug posts about the team are tougher to read than any post I've sent out standing up for our guys. I'm not sure why you come on here and pretend to be a Gopher fan, I've never once read a pro-gopher post from you, and if there was a positive comment there was something right behind tearing something down. I will go on record as being more of a fan than you, in fact, I can do that with complete certainty.

Raking leaves while stoned is one of life's simple pleasures.

I have 4 tickets for sale for the Wisconsin game. I am a younger season ticket holder and I live in Nebraska. I have 3 tickets and I bring people when I can. But I sell extras when I can for make up for the costs of driving. I don't think it's bad that people scalp tickets. That's how I got into the Madison game 5 years ago. If some dumb Badger wants to pay me a grand for the tickets, more power to him. He gets the chance to witness the start of a long losing streak.

Relax people... it happens everywhere.

i know that i'm a new poster, but people selling tix for a lot of money and able to get it is capitalism. i think most fans are willing to say no to the tempation of the cash but some are not. for the minnesota fans who dont sell out, lets just yell that much louder!

Everyone. Look for yourself instead of whining. Welcome to the REAL world of CFB Minnesota!

WI @ MN-148 tickets; MN @ Iowa-303; Iowa @OSU-490; Purdue @ WI-331; Michigan @ MSU-283
Michigan @ WI-295 and on and on..........just like the complaining.

It's worth noting these numbers. There just aren't THAT many tickets being sold relative to other games. I expect the game to be vast majority Gopher fans and with that I'll be happy.

As far as the vulgarity argument, I don't mind the occasional bit of profanity when it's used sparingly for emphasis or when it's used to ratchet up the humor of a post. I just think the board has devolved a bit on this front lately and would hope we can all watch ourselves a bit more.

i know that i'm a new poster, but people selling tix for a lot of money and able to get it is capitalism. i think most fans are willing to say no to the tempation of the cash but some are not. for the minnesota fans who dont sell out, lets just yell that much louder!

Mask it with the capitalism cape all you want, but Gopher fans selling tickets to Badger fans is never o.k. It just isn't!

What if it's all an elaborate ruse to lure the BADger fans into the stadium just so we can kick their ass!!! Seriously though, as disappointing as it may be, it is the right of the ticket holder to whatever he/she wants with those tickets. I have tickets to sell for every game, and try to do my best to limit them to Gopher fans, but really how can I be sure?

It is NOT OK to sell tickets to opposing fans, it's people's right, it's capitalism, but it's NOT OK.
It's about the frickin principle, if you buy tickets, use them to support your team, don't use them to support your portfolio. I will be giving hell to anyone around me who sells tickets to rivalry games, especially if those tickets go to rival fans.

It is NOT OK to sell tickets to opposing fans, it's people's right, it's capitalism, but it's NOT OK.
It's about the frickin principle, if you buy tickets, use them to support your team, don't use them to support your portfolio. I will be giving hell to anyone around me who sells tickets to rivalry games, especially if those tickets go to rival fans.

Right on!! There is no law to limit who you can sell your tickets too. It's about having pride in YOUR team. I sold my extras to some friends who are Gopher fans. Trust me, I grew up in WI and had a long list of friends that wanted them. TOO F-ING BAD. Sure, I could make a buck, but I want 2 more loud Gopher fans that are excited to see their first game at TCF.

There will be some drunkin Sconi's at the game but there better not be one Wisconsin fan in the student section...:mad:

I smoke pot, like art, rake my leaves, and like sports. Learn to think for yourself.

Well your in your own category. look I'm not saying all...I'm just saying for the most part these theater, artsy, painter type people don't give a crap about any sports and there are alot of them in the twin cities.

Sell THIS Gopher fan the tickets!

I said it before and I will say it again. I am a Gopher fan who is flying out from Phoenix just to see the Gophers play S. Dakota St. in November!! So you're telling me there's fans right in Mpls who would rather watch it on TV?!?! I'll take those dang tickets off someone's hands!! I will probably end up just showing up outside the stadium that Saturday and hope and pray to scalp them at face or less value. I consider it an honor to be in the presence of the new stadium and don't mind flying across the country to do it!! SKI-U-MAH!! GO GOPHERS!!

As obnoxious and generally "Madisonian" as arthouse/theatre poseur hippies are, I don't think they are to blame for this phenomenon. It's in the Minnesotan's nature to not get terribly worked up or enthusiastic about anything, and this works against their sports fandom.

A Minnesotan's two favorite passtimes are sitting at home and turning a profit. The state is a breeding ground for scalpers.

The Twin Cities, despite all those horrible, evil arts people do put a large number of butts in seats for football games each weekend, with 60,000 for Vikings games, 50,000 for Gophers games, then then a few thousands more for the other colleges and high schools. I'll never understand how some people get all worked up over someone going to an art gallery or seeing a play.

While I hope to see as little Red in the stadium as possible people have the right to do what they want with their tickets and if they sell them to a Badger fan so be it. It's not ideal, but that's the way it works. I've traveled to cheer on a number of MN teams in other stadiums and without season ticket holders selling me their tickets I would not have been able to experience the number of stadiums that I have. If the badger fans are willing to pay the money that's their deal and with the high ticket demand I'm not worried about a dome like situation where half the stadium is in Red. As long as they are polite and good sports it doesn't bother me seeing the scattered through the stadium.

That being said I think the student section falls under a totally different set of rules. The student tickets should be for U of MN students only and I really hope they do a good job of checking IDs to limit the number of non-students who are successful in using those tickets. There will alway be a few bucky fans who attend the U and come dressed in Red (why you would go here if you are such a huge bucky fan I will never understand). If a bunch on non-students dressed in red are able to get into the student section I would hope that legitimate student ticket users throw a fit to the ticket office.

You don't have to sell your tickets to a Badger fan. I got $300 for my pair from a Gopher fan who guaranteed he and his girlfriend were Gopher fans. I would have much prefered to attend the game myself but am stuck in Houston, TX for the weekend and can't get out of it.

I asked the person that I didn't know to prove he was a Gopher fan. After he told me his name, I asked him to produce a picture of his 'U' diploma with that day's newpaper in the shot (hard to photoshop that) and he agreed to do so. That's the lengths I went to make sure there were Gopher fans sitting next to my friends at the game. He was completely fine with making that extra effort to prove he was a Gopher fan.

Since demand is high, you can get just as much for your tickets from a Gopher fan compared to a Badger fan. Don't be lazy by selling them to Badgers. You will have a guilt-free experience.

I'll get on my high horse and say with extreme confidence that knowingly selling your tickets to a Badger fan makes you less of a fan and you should be ashamed of yourselves. If you do, I hope you get all of the scorn you deserve from your seat neighbors the next time you attend a game.

You don't have to sell your tickets to a Badger fan. I got $300 for my pair from a Gopher fan who guaranteed he and his girlfriend were Gopher fans. I would have much prefered to attend the game myself but am stuck in Houston, TX for the weekend and can't get out of it.

I asked the person that I didn't know to prove he was a Gopher fan. After he told me his name, I asked him to produce a picture of his 'U' diploma with that day's newpaper in the shot (hard to photoshop that) and he agreed to do so. That's the lengths I went to make sure there were Gopher fans sitting next to my friends at the game. He was completely fine with making that extra effort to prove he was a Gopher fan.

Since demand is high, you can get just as much for your tickets from a Gopher fan compared to a Badger fan. Don't be lazy by selling them to Badgers. You will have a guilt-free experience.

I'll get on my high horse and say with extreme confidence that knowingly selling your tickets to a Badger fan makes you less of a fan and you should be ashamed of yourselves. If you do, I hope you get all of the scorn you deserve from your seat neighbors the next time you attend a game.

Good move. I had to pick up my tickets on SE Elm and had to drive right past the football building. I was strategically not wearing red.

The person selling them to me asked me to sing the rouser, I nailed that one. Then I hummed the two other songs the band ever plays, nailed those.

I gave the last year the Gophers shared a Big Ten title, got that.

Had to wear a Goldy costume while I was waiting in the lobby to get the tickets, check.

Then I had to swear my allegiance to Punky, I mean Tim, by saying football 15 times in the same sentence followed by screaming "Pound the Rock" and "Gopher Nation".

It was not until I had passed all of those tests that I got the tickets. I fooled them though.

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