Mitch Leidner To Remain At QB

I don't think monter's report conflicts with doogie, frankly.

Who are the better QB's in the South Suburban? I assume you felt Trey Heid was one of them. I don't know where he will be able to play QB in college but JEEZ can that kid kick!!!!! In the playoffs against South he made a 38 yard FG that looked like it would have been good from 58 yards. Leidner played defense for South, at least in the playoff game against North. He moves very well.

The coaches will have spring this year, a red shirt season and spring next year to figure out what is best for them...I am not worried about how it all works out...the coaches will know when it is time for them to know.

Who are the better QB's in the South Suburban? I assume you felt Trey Heid was one of them. I don't know where he will be able to play QB in college but JEEZ can that kid kick!!!!! In the playoffs against South he made a 38 yard FG that looked like it would have been good from 58 yards. Leidner played defense for South, at least in the playoff game against North. He moves very well.

You got one.

Drew Bauer is obviously a different offensive style but I think he throws a more accurate ball. Didn't really have a go to wr this year and put up some great numbers. A little under 1300 rushing, 12 TDs. About 1600 passing 16TDs. Didn't really have great wr play (no go to guy). Pioneer press all state team.

It's funny to me how any time the Gophers have 2 serviceable players at a position the fans are ready to move one guy to a different position. It's called depth, and good teams have it.

I have no idea who will end up being the better player. Who on this board though McKnight would be our best receiver or that walk-on Kyle Henderson from Mankato St. would outperform 4-star Michael Carter. As Cocoran said earlier, it will play itself out on the field, and it's nice that we have a staff with enough foresight to recruit guys with position flexibility who have the potential to change positions if needed.

The difference between comparing these two and two out of state wr recruits is no one on this board has really seen the out of state recruits.

Admittedly I know less about Nelson than I'd like to.
I have seen enough of liedner to know that if we are going to be a big ten contender he won't he able to contribute at the qb position.

Then I guess you're underpaid and should be making more than $1.2 million per year as a BCS head coach, because Jerry Kill was sitting in his living room earlier this week telling him to get ready to play quarterback.

Then I guess you're underpaid and should be making more than $1.2 million per year as a BCS head coach, because Jerry Kill was sitting in his living room earlier this week telling him to get ready to play quarterback.

Clearly none of us has any clue what will happen with Leidner when he gets here. Right now the number one priority for the coaching staff is to get players to sign on the dotted line. They are going to read the kid and tell him exactly what he wants to hear and in all honesty they probably are not lying. Leidner will get a shot to make it as a QB and if he is good enough he will never have to worry about a position change.

Most fans are and I would hope by now most players are well aware of coach speak. They know that nothing is guaranteed. Every coach they talk to is telling them how great a player they are and how they need them at whatever position it is the kid plays. Every coach is also telling them that he is in it for the long haul at their University and is not looking to leave for another job. Coaches will say or do whatever they need to, to get a guy with talent on the roster. In some places that includes cutting a large check but that is a point for a different thread.

Then I guess you're underpaid and should be making more than $1.2 million per year as a BCS head coach, because Jerry Kill was sitting in his living room earlier this week telling him to get ready to play quarterback.
I don't always agree with Rosemountian, but I usually always trust his knowledge of high school football. I have also watched Leidner. I have been impressed with him, but not sure if he is a player that will be "the guy." I watched there playoff game vs North and Leidner played a lot of DE in that game. Either way, I am glad he is a Gopher and I am also glad he is starting at QB. They can move him down the road if they feel the need to do that.

I think Jerry Kill would absolutely love Mitch Leidner to beat out Philip Nelson as the best QB recruit in this class, because that would mean he is likely an excellent QB and would make the team very good. If that doesn't work out, which the popular opinion says it won't and Philip Nelson will be significantly better, at least Leidner has the athletic ability and frame to possibly contribute and excel at another position. I think it is an excellent problem to have and I hope it is a great competition between the two, ending with 1 of them being an elite QB.

Then I guess you're underpaid and should be making more than $1.2 million per year as a BCS head coach, because Jerry Kill was sitting in his living room earlier this week telling him to get ready to play quarterback.

1) you have no idea how much money I make
2) becoming a college head coach doesn't mean you are better than every person at every dececion regarding everything
3) I've already explained on this board why I stopped coaching college

I've never seen Leidener play in person and enjoy getting the perspective of people who have. What I have a problem with is the people who guarantee that there is no chance player X will ever contribute on a good team. Obviously Kill was impressed enough with what he saw that he decided to give him a shot. I can recall people saying this about numerous other players in the past who have become solid for us (i.e. Decker). Kill has been fairly frugal with the in-state players he's offered, as many on here have clamored for Andrew Larson, Antonio Ford, D. Michaelson, and many others. What would be more beneficial for all of us that haven't seen him is to state that he'll probably need to improve at X, Y, Z to contribute at QB.

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