Mitch Leidner: "Either hop on the bandwagon or don't hop on at all."

There will always be complainers and trolls in a town full of Iowa and Wisconsin fans and Gopher fans bitter after 50 years of nearly non-stop mediocrity. If anyone asked those Gopher players he's talking about back in August if they'd be happy if they went 5-7 and got to a bowl game in Detroit, their response would probably be worse than any of the mocking he's getting now.

Don't think so. These guys have a much better mind set than a lot of fans.

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Don't think so. These guys have a much better mind set than a lot of fans.
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You think they'd have been happy back in August being told that they'd go 5-7? That's certainly an opinion.


When #5 for the Vikings doesn't have an OL, has a defender in his face the second he turns around from
his three step drop, the rubes say he sucks...

When #7 for the Gophers doesn't have an OL, has a defender in his face the second he turns around from
his three step drop, the rubes say he sucks...

YET, when either have halfway decent pass protection, can put up 250-350 yards passing. AMAZZZZZZING!!

...pattern much?

I was on the bandwagon, but then Mitch Leidner was our quarterback.

Personally, I like Mitch. He was hurt badly in the TCU game and even had a knee brace on until, I believe, after the Northwestern game. From that point on he was a very solid QB in my opinion. That tells me there may have been health issues.


When #5 for the Vikings doesn't have an OL, has a defender in his face the second he turns around from
his three step drop, the rubes say he sucks...

When #7 for the Gophers doesn't have an OL, has a defender in his face the second he turns around from
his three step drop, the rubes say he sucks...

YET, when either have halfway decent pass protection, can put up 250-350 yards passing. AMAZZZZZZING!!

...pattern much?

This pattern has happened since the beginning of football. There isn't a rube out there who understands the value of O-line. O-line analysis is reserved strictly for the true, knowledgeable football fan. This is the same reason QBs receive all the fame and glory, because perception has it that they are single handedly carrying the offense. If you asked 1,000 rubes the highest paid position in the NFL I bet 950 or more would say QB. If you asked those 1,000 rubes the second highest paid position in the NFL I bet maybe 50 would say Left Tackle.

My guess is his major isn't Public Relations. So Mitch can call out the fans, but the college kids are off limits? Interesting thread. Who is the host and who is the guest here?

My guess is his major isn't Public Relations. So Mitch can call out the fans, but the college kids are off limits? Interesting thread. Who is the host and who is the guest here?

Imagine if he really called out the fans instead of relying on the bandwagon cliche. You'd almost have a legit reason to be upset.

As I was trying to say earlier - we have two conflicting schools of thought.

1. These are college kids - not pros. They don't deserve personal abuse from fans, no matter what they do on the field.

2. we're talking about big-time D1 sports. The players receive scholarships and benefits worth thousands or tens of thousands of dollars.
Fans who pay big money for tickets and seat donations have every right to express their disapproval if the team or individual players
are playing poorly.

It all depends on your point of view.

I've got no problem whatsoever with Mitch's quote.

Remember that this was a Star Tribune quote... You know their columnists, right? If you read the articles, I'm sure many of you also browse the reader comments following the articles. I'm sure the players see these too. If you don't know, let me tell you, there are some trolls to the Star Tribune Gopher football articles that are not be be believed. I'd like to think that the comment was directed to fans of that "ilk".

I think Mitch is a helluva tough competitor, leader, and role model for this team and any athlete.

Imagine if he really called out the fans instead of relying on the bandwagon cliche. You'd almost have a legit reason to be upset.

I'm not upset. More amused,actually. Winning solves a lot problems.

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