Mitch has 1 Big Ten TD pass half way through the year....

What would you suggest we do at QB John?

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Recruit a JUCO and prep QB in this class. Right now we have zero commits, why hasn't this been a priority?

Recruit a JUCO and prep QB in this class. Right now we have zero commits, why hasn't this been a priority?

OK. How about for the rest of this year?

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I like Mitch. Never bought the first round draft business, but he's not nearly as terrible as some make him out to be. He can be frustrating as heck sometimes, but he has his moments. His resiliency kind of grows on ya the big lug. But anyway, this post is really looking at next year. I'm excited to see what a more mobile qb can do in this offense. I feel like we're leaving a lot of yards in the qb run game on the field this year. Mitch is more of a lumbering kind of guy, it will be interesting to see someone with a little more quicks back there.

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