Mitch Browning a graduate assistant at Tennessee

Great get for UT. Mitch was great guy and exceptional at finding and developing linemen and hopefully things work out better than they did in western New York.

Tennessee just MIGHT start winning a lot of football games. And just think: this brewster brought in that dunbar character to destroy the offense. He stuck with him for two years. No wonder that 55-0 thrashing at the hands of that ferentz character finally brought about the end to that dunbar era of spread-coast brewster-ball. Even this brewster finally figured out that in the Big Ten you have GOT to be able to run the ball.

Mitch Browning was a big part of this brewster's 2007 "THROW AWAY SEASON"...this brewster therw away games, this brewster threw away coaches, this brewster threw away a lot of his own future with some of the moves he made when he first came in to Minnesaplis.

Tennessee will be a team to watch...won't they?

Mitch Browning will probably make one heck of a of these days... ; 0 )

If you knew anything about college football you would know that new coaches almost never keep the same coaches that were there before. That is the whole point in bringing in a new staff, to change things up.

In this brewster's case he sure didn't know what the heck he was doing...did he????? That dunbar really left a LOT to be desired, didn't he????? That dunbar and this brewster made quite a pair. Talk about the blind leading the blind. That Michigan and iowa two game stretch really showed what this brewster and that dunbar were made of...

Mason is gone and he's not coming back, there's absolutely no use whining about it constantly. I liked Mason and his staff but I cannot deny that we needed a change. Are you here to talk football or are you here to try out for a soap opera?

Isn't he being paid by Syracuse? If he wants to work in football, he can't be paid without losing the severance from SU.

Mason is gone and he's not coming back, there's absolutely no use whining about it constantly. I liked Mason and his staff but I cannot deny that we needed a change. Are you here to talk football or are you here to try out for a soap opera?

Mason was terrible:)

It seems to me that according to the record books, this brewster is on a par with Mason. However, Mason stepped it up in his 3rd season. This brewster has had the bar set higher by even the horrible Mason. And, by the way, at least Mason got the money! He took maturi and this aged, long of tooth prexy b to the cleaners. Talk about some incompetent administrators...I understand that this prexy b is out "bridge" shopping right now. And maturi is still trying to find a way to make his stolen PSU cheer "catch on" in Minnesota. Except, every time he tries to get it going, he starts yelling: "...we ARE...wisc.....errrrr...Minnesota...

It's time for the little ranger to head back to madison, wisky to retire by the high school he worked at for those 20 some years... ; 0 )

This was a timely thread - when Maximus posted in on January 21 and the board discussed it.

Any topic like this is a sure fire way to start a crappy and played out conversation where people from both sides of the aisle debate the merits of the current staff versus the previous staff.

Tennessee is cheating the system

Browning is still getting paid by Cuse because he is under contract with them but by enrolling at Tennessee as a student and becoming a "graduate assistant" Browning still gets paid by Cuse and doesn't increase the assistant salaries at Tennessee. Pretty shady if you ask me.

Damn, man: you are cold. Have you been at the bar too long? It is the American way to retrain workers who lose their jobs. Mitch Browning has apparently gone back to school to improve his job skills, maketability and name recognition. He is going to make a heck of a good head coach with the resume he has. the things he has accomplished AND the chance to help bring the Tennessee offense into a very well rounded offense that can RUN the ball and pass the ball.

Syracuse signed a contract with him and now the dastardly administrators of the CUES need to be stand-up administrators and throw away the money that they promised to throw away in that contract.

So. Mitch Browning is doing the AMERICAN thing and is going out seeking to improve his plight in life after becoming unemployed. THAT is why they have colleges isn't it? It's the education that matters!

I'd say in about two or three years, Mitch Browning just might be a name mentioned for a job at a college that may or may not be considered a "have not.." catagory of college football job. Maybe he can take over at the University of Minnesota from some failed coach IF he is willing to take a chance at dead-ending his career. You know, this prexy b and maturi have revived that graveyard of college coaching reputation that Minnesota had gained before Mason lasted for 10 years.

At least Mitch Browning HAS an offensive philosophy and he would NOT have to hire a coordinator to tell him what his new offensive philosophy is the way SOME coaches we know have had to do... ; 0 ) Good luck and best wishes to Mr. Browning!

I'd say in about two or three years, Mitch Browning just might be a name mentioned for a job at a college that may or may not be considered a "have not.." catagory of college football job. Maybe he can take over at the University of Minnesota from some failed coach IF he is willing to take a chance at dead-ending his career. You know, this prexy b and maturi have revived that graveyard of college coaching reputation that Minnesota had gained before Mason lasted for 10 years.

At least Mitch Browning HAS an offensive philosophy and he would NOT have to hire a coordinator to tell him what his new offensive philosophy is the way SOME coaches we know have had to do... ; 0 ) Good luck and best wishes to Mr. Browning!

So Browning is on the fast track to becoming a head football coach after becoming a GA at Tennessee 30 years after he became a GA at Ohio State? Makes sense.

Mase - no one's knocking down his door
Shaw - jettisoned to back on the radar at Hawaii
Petersen - canned by ISU
Browning - a GA at Tennessee
Adamle - coaching high school

Joker Phillips was smart enough to only stay one year so his career could be resurrected at Kentucky.

And most of the defensive coaches went on to have success at their next stops.

No wonder that offensive philosophy led us to ZERO top three finishes in a decade.

Just keep humming it to yourself to remember the glory days....out in the west Texas town of El Paso, I fell in love with a Mexican girl.

And this brewster has done what? People really LOVED that 5 game collapse to end the season in 2008. 2007 with it's zero for the Big Ten and 1-11 overall record was indeed a season of dreams and wonderful coaching!

This maturi has really brought us some kind of a messed up coaching situation. There are SO many buyouts and coaching changes that it will take a decade for this program just to stabalize itself...even with the new stadium.


Would you say the same thing if Dunbar enrolled as a student at USC and became an unpaid "associate graduate assistant" to the offense to keep collecting his salary from the U while coaching for another team?

Would you say the same thing if Dunbar enrolled as a student at USC and became an unpaid "associate graduate assistant" to the offense to keep collecting his salary from the U while coaching for another team?

I suppose that it would be the right thing for him to do. Maybe he could learn something. Maybe he could land a job with a coach who wasn't relying on him to provide a philosophy. Perhaps a head coach with a clue could have tempered that dunbar and could have given that dunbar some direction. It ALL goes back on the head coach. That dunbar failed because this brewster didn't have a clue, basically.:)

It ALL goes back on the head coach. That dunbar failed because this brewster didn't have a clue, basically.:)

Kinda like Mase with Moe Ankney and then Mase with Greg Hudson and then Mase with David Lockwood?

Browning is still getting paid by Cuse because he is under contract with them but by enrolling at Tennessee as a student and becoming a "graduate assistant" Browning still gets paid by Cuse and doesn't increase the assistant salaries at Tennessee. Pretty shady if you ask me.

He is doing it to get his Master's degree. Some colleges won't hire you to be a HC unless you have an advanced degree (Master's or PhD). If you are a GA you can take classes (and technically have to take classes) for free. The GA compensation at a school like Tennessee is going to be in the ballpark of $20,000 on top of the money that he is getting from Syracuse. And whoever said that accepting a job would void his severance from Syracuse--that isn't necessarily true. It is all in the wording of the contract but more often than not a contract with a guarantee on it only voids the liability for Syracuse if Browning left on his own accord or was fired for cause.

If Browning would have taken a D1 coaching job, his payment from Cuse would be zero this year. Syracuse fans are not happy that Browning is coaching at Tennessee while Cuse is paying his salary. This was done to get Browning on the Tennessee staff while not having to pay him. I'd bet a lot of money that next year Browning is "hired" as a full time coach at UT.

Question for 4starrecruit

Where are your seat in the new stadium?

If Browning would have taken a D1 coaching job, his payment from Cuse would be zero this year. Syracuse fans are not happy that Browning is coaching at Tennessee while Cuse is paying his salary. This was done to get Browning on the Tennessee staff while not having to pay him. I'd bet a lot of money that next year Browning is "hired" as a full time coach at UT.

They already have a full time OL coach.

I agree that Tennessee is skirting the rules by hiring him as GA. The NCAA restricts the number of GA's, Quality Control, and interns (understudy to the GA) teams can hire and hiring someone with his background is definitely defeating the purpose of the role. The GA position is supposed to serve as something similar to an internship for future coaches in their 20's. He is taking an opportunity away from someone else to do this.

I have no idea what his contract with Syracuse looked like and whether they would have had to pay him out regardless of finding a D-I asst coaching job. Until I see a linked story confirming they wouldn't have had to pay him if he got a D-I job I'll treat any discussion as speculation.

maximus: Mason was a crappy coach. He must have been, this administration fired him after 10 years and after just extending his contract they year before. So, yes crap ALWAYS comes down hard about the head and hsoulders of the head coach. ALWAYS. The terrible coach Mason did get the money though. The foolish prexy b and his lap-dog maturi got so snookered by the horrible coach I stated, in the end Mason got their money!

So, EVERY problem goes right on the head and shoulders of this brewster. The crap will come his way. If the team loses it is ALL his fault and he will be put down, criticized and despised because of his failings and short-comings. He has had this job for 2 1/2 years now and he is accountable for EVERY flaw in the program. Just as Mason was. Just as Mason was fired for not winning enough Big Ten football games, eventually there will be no where for this brewster to run or hide. He had better win at least five Big Ten games in 2009 JUST to keep up with the failed and fired Mason. But, Mason did get the money. And Mason DID take the foolish prexy b and maturi to the cleaners. In that regard, I don't think that this brewster is in the same league as the failed and bought out Mason.

It was fun being a Gopher Fan on the road in Columbus in 2000 and in Ann Arbor in 2005 though!

Wisconsin coach earns first Big 10 victory
Chicago Tribune
Nov 17, 1991
It also snapped the Badgers' 19-game conference losing streak and gave second-year coach Barry Alvarez his first Big 10 victory in 15 tries.

It was fun being a Gopher Fan on the road in Columbus in 2000 and in Ann Arbor in 2005 though!

Was it fun the following week when Minnesota gave up 51 points to a two-win Indiana team in 2000?

Was it fun the following week when Minnesota gave up a 10 point lead in the final two minutes against Wisconsin in 2005?

Alvarez keeps grip on reality Knows 3-0 UW is inconsistent
September 30, 1991
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Madison, WI

Barry Alvarez and reality have this understanding with each other: Never allow illusions to interfere with the truth.

Though Wisconsin is 3-0 which, standing alone, is a noteworthy achievement, considering the Badgers' history Alvarez would not presume the program has arrived. A favorable pre-conference schedule has not fully exposed a problematic offense which may not hold up under the scrutiny of the Big Ten season.

I wasn't at Indiana, but I will NEVER forget that win in the Horseshoe. And I will NEVER forget that win in the Big House. Lifetime memories. The BEST of memories.

Remember, it is TOUGH to get big wins at Minnesota. It has been ever since 1960.

What is this brewster's big win?

I wasn't at Indiana, but I will NEVER forget that win in the Horseshoe. And I will NEVER forget that win in the Big House. Lifetime memories. The BEST of memories.

Remember, it is TOUGH to get big wins at Minnesota. It has been ever since 1960.

What is this brewster's big win?

It did take Mason until his third year to get a signature victory (#2 Penn State in Beaver Stadium).

If you asked the same question of Mason after 1998 (his second season) he didn't have a signature victory either. His victories were against:

Big Ten Wins:
'97 Indiana (2-9) 24-12
'98 Michigan State (6-6) 19-18
'98 Iowa (3-9) 49-7

'97 Iowa State (1-10) 53-29
'97 @ Memphis (4-7) 20-17
'98 Arkansas State (4-8) 17-14
'98 @ Houston (3-8) 14-7
'98 Memphis (2-9) 41-14

Here is the same info for Brewster

Big Ten Wins:
'08 Indiana (3-9) 16-7
'08 Illinois (5-7) 27-20
'08 @ Purdue (4-8) 17-6

'07 Miami (OH) (6-7) 41-35 3OT
'08 Northern Illinois (6-7) 31-27
'08 Bowling Green (6-6) 42-21
'08 Montana State (NA) 35-23
'08 Florida Atlantic (7-6) 37-3

I'm not trying to sound pro- or anti-Brewster, I'm just trying to say that it isn't fair to set the standard differently for the two coaches. The track record of each coach looks fairly similar with no signature win amongst either list.

I'll also add that the comparisons are getting tiresome.

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